Improver waltz
1-3Step left behind right, making ¼ turn right rock/step forward on right, rock back on left
4-6Waltz back right, left, right
7-9Step left over right towards right front corner, rock/step right to right, rock/return weight to left
10-12Step right over left towards left front corner, rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right
13-15Waltz forward left, right, left
16-18Step back on right, making ¼ turn left step left beside right, step right beside left
19-21Step forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left
22-24Waltz forward right, left, right
On walls 2, 4 and 6 please add the following 6 counts
1-3Step forward on left, rock/step right to right, rock/return weight to left
4-6Step right behind left, rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right
4-6Waltz back right, left, right
7-9Step left over right towards right front corner, rock/step right to right, rock/return weight to left
10-12Step right over left towards left front corner, rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right
13-15Waltz forward left, right, left
16-18Step back on right, making ¼ turn left step left beside right, step right beside left
19-21Step forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left
22-24Waltz forward right, left, right
On walls 2, 4 and 6 please add the following 6 counts
1-3Step forward on left, rock/step right to right, rock/return weight to left
4-6Step right behind left, rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right