1-8Step side right count 1, count 2&3 shimmy, 4 slide left foot next to right, change weight to left foot, repeat 1-4 again.
Circle ball change: Make a ½ circle with the tip of your foot starting at the 12 o'clock position, and ending at the 6 o'clock position, and do a ball change same as in a kick ball change.
9-16Sailor shuffle right foot back, sailor back left foot, circle ball change with right foot, shuffle forward right, left, right
17-24Sailor shuffle back left foot, sailor shuffle back right foot, circle ball change with left foot, shuffle forward left, right, left 25-32
25-26Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
27-28Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
29-30Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
31-32Stomp right foot with a clap, stomp left foot with a clap
Circle ball change: Make a ½ circle with the tip of your foot starting at the 12 o'clock position, and ending at the 6 o'clock position, and do a ball change same as in a kick ball change.
9-16Sailor shuffle right foot back, sailor back left foot, circle ball change with right foot, shuffle forward right, left, right
17-24Sailor shuffle back left foot, sailor shuffle back right foot, circle ball change with left foot, shuffle forward left, right, left 25-32
25-26Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
27-28Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
29-30Turn ¼ left (weight on left foot) (as in Caribbean Cowboy), stomp right foot alongside
31-32Stomp right foot with a clap, stomp left foot with a clap