1-2Touch right heel forward, touch right next to left
3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right next to left
5Step forward on right foot
6-8Touch left heel forward, touch left toe to left side, touch left toe behind right heel
1Step forward on left foot
2-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe to right side, touch right toe behind left heel
5-6Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right heel
7-8Step left to left side, touch right toe behind left heel
1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side while turning ¼ to right, step left beside right
5&6Right kick ball-change
7-8Stomp right, then left, to end with feet hip distance apart
1-2Jump forward (holding on to belt buckle and leaning back) on both feet twice
3-4Clap twice
3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right next to left
5Step forward on right foot
6-8Touch left heel forward, touch left toe to left side, touch left toe behind right heel
1Step forward on left foot
2-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe to right side, touch right toe behind left heel
5-6Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right heel
7-8Step left to left side, touch right toe behind left heel
1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side while turning ¼ to right, step left beside right
5&6Right kick ball-change
7-8Stomp right, then left, to end with feet hip distance apart
1-2Jump forward (holding on to belt buckle and leaning back) on both feet twice
3-4Clap twice