CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jan Wyllie (AUS)
María - Ricky Martin
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1-2Touch left heel across in front of right foot, touch left heel out at 45 degrees left
3-4Repeat previous 2 counts
&5Jump left foot beside right, jump right heel out at 45 degrees right
&6Jump right foot behind left, step left across right taking the weight on the left
7-8Touch right heel at 45 degrees right, step right foot behind left taking the weight on the right
9Touch left heel at 45 degrees left
&10Jump left foot behind right, step right foot across left taking the weight on the right
11-12Touch left foot at 45 degrees left, step left foot behind right taking the weight on the left
13Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees
&14Step right foot behind left as you jump left heel forward at 45 degrees
&15Step left foot behind right as you jump right heel forward at 45 degrees
16Left arm to left side horizontally, right arm across body to left side, lift wrists and click fingers
The above move is as the Toreador holds the cape to the bull and is maintained for the following 4 beats, lifting wrists on beats 17 & 19
&17Step right foot slightly forward, step left foot behind right foot at right angles
&18Stomp right foot twice
&19&20Repeat previous 2 counts
21-22Step back on right making a ½ turn left, place left heel forward at 45 degrees left
&23Step left foot beside right as you jump right heel forward at 45 degrees right
&24Step right foot beside left as you jump left foot across right taking the weight on the left
25-26Step right foot to right side, step left foot across right
27-28Making a ½ turn left as you move right, step back on right, step left to left side
29-30Step right across left, step left to the left
31-32Making a ¼ turn right step forward on right, step forward on left
&33&34Scuff right heel, click left heel, step forward right and left
&35-40Repeat previous 2 counts 3 more times
41-42(Keeping ball of left foot on the ground and raising right foot behind at 45 degrees with toes pointed down) move left heel ¼ turn right, stomp right foot beside left
43-44Repeat previous 2 counts taking weight on right foot after last stomp
45-46Step forward left, right
47&48Step forward left, step right back at 45 degrees, transfer weight back to left
49-50Step back on right, making ½ turn left step forward on left
51&52Step forward on right, step left back at 45 degrees, transfer weight back to right

The dance tells the story of a bullfight. The Toreador enters the arena and waits for the bull. The bull enters and the Toreador parries to and fro, encouraging the bull to charge. The Toreador holds the cape to the bull calling El Toro (the dancer can call "El Toro" at this point is they feel comfortable with this).
The bull charges and the Toreador swings the cape back in front of the bull as he passes. The Toreador twirls away to the side in a victory dance as the bull recovers. The Toreador dances toward the bull clicking his heels and tempting the bull to charge again. The bull looks-and the Toreador turns his back on the bull in disdain-thrilling the crowd, before turning once more to face the bull and repeat the performance.
As a competition dance, this story goes on to a finale with the Toreador killing the bull on the last beat of the dance.

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