CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Too Good

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Roxanne Smith (AUS)
Too Good to Be True - Michael Peterson
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1-2Kick right foot forward, hook over left (right hand forward cross over body)
3-4Kick right foot forward, step right next to left (right hand forward, right hand to buckle)
5-6Fan right toe out, right heel out (lean into fan) (right hand out roll hand palm down)
7-8Fan right heel in, right toe in (roll hand palm out, right hand to buckle)
1-2On left foot toe strut back (45 degrees right)
3-4On right foot toe strut back (45 degrees right)
5-6Jump shoulders back slightly, hold (bending right knee)
7-8Jump shoulders back slightly more, hold (bending right knee)
1-2Jump shoulders back twice
3-4Jump shoulders forward to upright position, weight on left
5-6Step right to side (facing 9:00) & twist 1/8 turn right stepping left next to right
7-8Step back on right, step left next to right
1-2Step right to side & twist ¼ turn right, stepping left next to right
3-4Step right back, step left next to right
5-6Step forward on right, hitch left
7-8Step left back, step right next to left
1-2Step forward on left, kick right forward
3Swivel ½ turn left on left keeping right leg in same position (right left now end up behind)
4Scoot forward on left, whilst hitching right, running man steps
5-6Step forward on right, slide back while lifting left slightly
7-8Step forward on left, slide back while lifting right slightly
1-2Step back on right foot, tap left toe back
3-4Step left forward & scoot while hitching right
5-6Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left weight left
7-8Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left weight left
1-2Scuff right forward & lift, slap right knee with right hand
3-4Tap right heel forward then across left leg and slap heel with left hand
5&6Tap right heel forward, step right back, step left forward at 45 degrees left
7-8Step right next to left feet apart, swivel right heel out
1-2Swivel right heel in, lift right leg back slap heel behind with right hand
&3-4Step right foot down and hitch left & slap knee with right hand, tap left toe back
5-6Kick left forward, cross left over right
7-8Unwind 5/8 turn to right (facing 6:00)

This dance is designed to start on vocals but because of the exceptionally long introduction, I have included a tag

1-2Rock/step right to right side (raising hands fisted chest height & swing them to the left)
3-4Rock back onto left sliding right next to left swinging hands back to the front
5-8Repeat last 4 counts to left
1Lift right leg over left, slap right heel with left hand
2Twist left foot ¼ turn left while swinging right leg behind & grabbing right foot with right hand
3-4Step right foot down while placing left heel forward, hold
5Twist ¼ turn left on left bringing right together
The sequence is:
Introduction > tag twice
Complete 2 walls of dance > tag twice
Complete 2 walls of dance > tag twice
Complete 3 walls of dance > tag once
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