CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines

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Tracey Vince & Trish Arena (AUS)
Sequence: AB, TAG 1, A, TAG 1, AB, TAG 1, TAG 2, A (FIRST 16 COUNTS ONLY), A, TAG 1

1&2Shuffle sideways to right right-left-right
3-4Rock left behind right, recover onto right
5&6Shuffle sideways to left left-right-left
7-8Rock right behind left, recover onto left
9-10Step right to side, touch left heel to left diagonal
11-12Step left to side, touch right heel to right diagonal
13-16With feet together, twist both heels right-left-right, center
For effect, twist downwards on counts 5 & 6 and gradually straighten up on counts 7&8
17-18Rock forward on right, recover on left
19&20½ turn right and shuffle forward right-left-right
21-22Step forward on left foot, ½ right (take weight on right)
23&24Shuffle forward left-right-left
25-26Rock forward on right, recover on left
27&28Right coaster
29-30Rock forward on left, recover on right
31&32Left coaster

1-2Rise up on balls of feet, drop heels
3-4Crouch down, straighten up
&5Touch right forward, step weight onto left as you make a ¼ turn turn left (like a paddle without actually taking the weight onto the right foot)
&6&7&8Repeat counts &5 three more times to bring you back to face the front wall
For counts &6&7&8 raise arms to shoulder height and drop left shoulder so that arms resemble the wings of an aero plane
&9Step right back to right diagonal, touch left heel out to left diagonal
&10Step left back to center, step right beside left (right heel jack)
&11Step left back to left diagonal, touch right heel out to right diagonal
&12Step right back to center, step left beside right (left heel jack)
&13&14Right heel jack
&15&16Left heel jack
17-32Repeat counts 1 to 16

1-2Step right to side, hold
&Step left beside right
3-4Step right to side, hold
5Large step left to side
6-7Drag right to left
8Stomp right (without taking weight onto right)

1-12March on the spot for 12 counts starting with right foot
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