1&2-3-4Side shuffle to left stepping left-right-left, rock back on right, recover weight forward to left
5&6-7-8Side shuffle to right stepping right-left-right, rock back on left, recover weight forward to right
1-2-3&4To the left 45 degrees angle walk forward left-right-left, step forward on right, pivot a ½ turn turn left
&5&6&7&8Step forward on right, tap left next to right, step forward on left, tap right next to left, step forward on right, tap left next to right, step forward on left, tap right next to left
1&2&3-4Dig right heel forward, step right next to left, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, dig right heel forward twice
&5&6&7-8Step right next to left, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, dig right heel forward, step right next to left, step left forward, step right next to left
1-2-3&4Step forward on left, as you turn ½ turn right kick right foot forward, rock back on right, recover weight forward on left, straighten up as you tap right next to left
5-6-7-8As you step right to right side, push hips to the right, push hips to the left, push hips to the right, push hips left
1-2&3-4Step forward on the right, lock left leg over right, step back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right
5&6-7-8Lock left over right, step back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right, step left to left side
1&2-3&4Side shuffle right stepping right-left-right, step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6-7-8Step right to right side as you do 4 hip bumps to the right
1-2-3&4Step left to left side, hold, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right over left
5&6-7&8Hold, step left slightly to left, cross right over left, hold, step left slightly to left, cross right over left
&1-2&3-4Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left
&5-6-7-8Step left to left side, step onto right as you make a ¼ turn turn left & drag left heel next to right for 4 counts (weight ends on the right)
5&6-7-8Side shuffle to right stepping right-left-right, rock back on left, recover weight forward to right
1-2-3&4To the left 45 degrees angle walk forward left-right-left, step forward on right, pivot a ½ turn turn left
&5&6&7&8Step forward on right, tap left next to right, step forward on left, tap right next to left, step forward on right, tap left next to right, step forward on left, tap right next to left
1&2&3-4Dig right heel forward, step right next to left, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, dig right heel forward twice
&5&6&7-8Step right next to left, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, dig right heel forward, step right next to left, step left forward, step right next to left
1-2-3&4Step forward on left, as you turn ½ turn right kick right foot forward, rock back on right, recover weight forward on left, straighten up as you tap right next to left
5-6-7-8As you step right to right side, push hips to the right, push hips to the left, push hips to the right, push hips left
1-2&3-4Step forward on the right, lock left leg over right, step back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right
5&6-7-8Lock left over right, step back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right, step left to left side
1&2-3&4Side shuffle right stepping right-left-right, step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6-7-8Step right to right side as you do 4 hip bumps to the right
1-2-3&4Step left to left side, hold, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right over left
5&6-7&8Hold, step left slightly to left, cross right over left, hold, step left slightly to left, cross right over left
&1-2&3-4Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left
&5-6-7-8Step left to left side, step onto right as you make a ¼ turn turn left & drag left heel next to right for 4 counts (weight ends on the right)