Position: Side by Side
1-4Left three step vine, scuff right
5-8MAN: Right three step vine turning ¼ turn left to face center of floor, scuff left
LADY: Step three steps, right - left - right, across in front of partner turning ¼ turn right to end facing partner with back to center of floor, left scuff (schottische turn)
9-12MAN: Left three step vine turning ½ to back center of floor, right scuff
LADY: Three steps, right - left - right, across in front of partner turning ½ turn left to end facing partner with back to outside of floor, right scuff (schottische turn)
13-16MAN: Walk forward three steps, down LOD scuff left
LADY: Right one full turn right, three steps right - left - right, end facing LOD, scuff left
17-20Step left forward, scuff right, step right forward, scuff left
21-24Step left forward, scuff right, step right back, left
25-28Step right back, scuff left, step left forward, scuff right
29-30Step right back, scuff left
1-4Left three step vine, scuff right
5-8MAN: Right three step vine turning ¼ turn left to face center of floor, scuff left
LADY: Step three steps, right - left - right, across in front of partner turning ¼ turn right to end facing partner with back to center of floor, left scuff (schottische turn)
9-12MAN: Left three step vine turning ½ to back center of floor, right scuff
LADY: Three steps, right - left - right, across in front of partner turning ½ turn left to end facing partner with back to outside of floor, right scuff (schottische turn)
13-16MAN: Walk forward three steps, down LOD scuff left
LADY: Right one full turn right, three steps right - left - right, end facing LOD, scuff left
17-20Step left forward, scuff right, step right forward, scuff left
21-24Step left forward, scuff right, step right back, left
25-28Step right back, scuff left, step left forward, scuff right
29-30Step right back, scuff left