1&2Bump hips left-right-left
3&4Bump hips right-left-right
5-8Repeat counts 1-4
For extra styling, bend slightly and shake your shoulders down on 1-2, come up on 3-4
9&10Right shuffle, on "&" of count 10 pivot ½ turn to the left
11-12Left shuffle
13-16Walk forward right-left-right; kick left
17-18Ball-change-stomp (left-right-left)
19-20Two stomps right
21-22Ball-change-stomp (right-left-right)
23-24Two kicks left
25-28Vine left with right scuff
29-32Vine right with double hop: right-left-right-left-right-left
Left crosses over right on 3-4 1-2&3&4
33-34Touch right to right side: spin ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot (Monterey spin)
35-36Touch left to left side; bring left home
37-38Touch right to right side: turn ¼ right on ball of left foot
39-40Touch left to left side; bring left home
41-44Syncopated pigeon toes: toes out-toes in-out-in-out-in (41-42-&-43-&-44)
Move to the left on 41-44
45-48Syncopated pigeon toes, moving right (out-in-out-in-out-in on 45-46&47&48)
49-50Rocking chair: rock forward on left, rock back on right; rock back on left, rock forward on right
53-54Step forward left, pivot ¼ turn right (right takes weight)
55-56Stomp left; clap
3&4Bump hips right-left-right
5-8Repeat counts 1-4
For extra styling, bend slightly and shake your shoulders down on 1-2, come up on 3-4
9&10Right shuffle, on "&" of count 10 pivot ½ turn to the left
11-12Left shuffle
13-16Walk forward right-left-right; kick left
17-18Ball-change-stomp (left-right-left)
19-20Two stomps right
21-22Ball-change-stomp (right-left-right)
23-24Two kicks left
25-28Vine left with right scuff
29-32Vine right with double hop: right-left-right-left-right-left
Left crosses over right on 3-4 1-2&3&4
33-34Touch right to right side: spin ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot (Monterey spin)
35-36Touch left to left side; bring left home
37-38Touch right to right side: turn ¼ right on ball of left foot
39-40Touch left to left side; bring left home
41-44Syncopated pigeon toes: toes out-toes in-out-in-out-in (41-42-&-43-&-44)
Move to the left on 41-44
45-48Syncopated pigeon toes, moving right (out-in-out-in-out-in on 45-46&47&48)
49-50Rocking chair: rock forward on left, rock back on right; rock back on left, rock forward on right
53-54Step forward left, pivot ¼ turn right (right takes weight)
55-56Stomp left; clap