CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Space Cowboy

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Barry Durand (USA)
Space Cowboy - NSync
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Space Cowboy feels like it ends at about 2:30, go ahead and fade out there

1Step forward with left and raise up on balls of both feet
2Lower by bending knees (drop heels) as you twist to the right
3Twist to the left to return to center as you raise up on balls of feet
4Settle onto left foot flat on
5Point right toe to side
6Cross and step on right in front of left
7Point left toe to the side
8Spin on right foot ½ turn to the right and end by tapping the left foot next to the right (left knee bent)
Another acceptable way to do this is to take 2 quick steps in the turn on &7 with the left and right

1Point the left toe out
2Bring it in
3Step to the left with the left foot turned ¼ turn to the left
4Do a ronde ½ turn to the left on the ball left foot (dragging the right toe in an arc along the floor as the turn is made)
5Step forward on right foot (turn right foot out to the right to prep for the following turn)
&6Step the left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the right (weight on right foot)
7Pivot ½ turn on the right foot and step back with the left foot
8Pivot ½ turn on the left foot and step forward with the right foot
When you start the turn on count 3 you are facing the right wall. When you start the turn on 5 you are facing the left wall. By the time you have made 1 ½ turns through &6-7-8 you will be facing the right wall.

&1Hop forward onto left, bring right to tap just behind left
&2Step back on right foot, tap left next to right
&3Hop forward onto left, bring right to tap just behind left
4Step a large step back and turn ¼ to the left to face front
5-6Step the left foot a large step to the left, drag the right foot to the left foot
&7Step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side
8Tap right foot beside left
Twist your body 1/8 turn to the left (to 10:30) for the next part so that the body rolls become slightly backward rather than straight sideways
1-2Touch the right toe to the right side (3:00), lean backwards (toward 4:30 since your body is facing 10:30) or body roll as you take full weight on the right foot
&Step left next to right
3-4Touch the right toe to the right side (3:00), lean backwards (toward 4:30 since your body is facing 10:30) or body roll as you take full weight on the right foot
&5Step left next to right, make another 1/8 turn left so you are squarely facing 9:00 and tap the right foot straight back
6Step forward on right foot
7Bring left knee up and make a ¼ turn to the left on your right foot
8Step down with your left foot as you make another ½ turn to the left to face the front again

1Side step to the right
2&3Sailor step (cross behind with left, side right, in place left)
4&5Sailor step (cross behind right, side left, in place right)
6&7Sailor step (cross behind with left, side right, in place left)
8&Sailor step (cross behind right, side left)
1Step forward with right foot
You can also double up the timing 1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&1. Some of the song feels like you should only do the regular sailors mentioned in the 5th count of 8 and other times it feels like it should be syncopated. Syncopate in the chorus and regular time the verse

2Tap left toe forward while swinging left hip forward
3Step down on left foot
4Tap right toe forward while swinging right hip forward
5Step down on right foot
6Swing left hip forward and tap left foot
7Big step back with left foot
8Bring right back to normal standing position feet shoulders width apart

1Bring right hand up, palm facing forward, arm bent at the elbow
2Swivel on both feet ¼ to the right, keeping your upper body and arms locked in that position
3Bend forward at the waist while bringing right hand back near your right hip and left hand forward bent at the elbow and turn your head to the left to look front
5Bring left hand back letting the arm stay bent and although the arm stays in the same position it swings from the shoulder at the same time do the same thing with the right arm but it swings forward. At the same time move the head ¼ rotation to the right so that you look down and to the right wall
6Bring left hand forward, right arm back, and look left (front wall)
7Bring right hand forward, left arm back, look right
8Bring right hand back, left arm forward, look left (front)

1&Kick left foot forward (toward 3:00), bring left together taking weight on the balls of both feet
2&Knee pop by quickly spreading feet apart to take weight on both feet, bring feet together taking weight on balls of both feet as you turn ¼ turn to the left (12:00)
3&4&Repeat the 1&2& (kick, together, apart, together) but without a ¼ turn
5&Touch left shoulder with right hand, touch right shoulder with right hand
6With a rolling motion in the right wrist, bring right hand up, palm facing forward, arm bent at the elbow
7&8With a rolling motion in the wrist, double roll your hand to the right as it comes down to your side
You can do a single roll if the double is too hard

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