CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Smooth Santana

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Lou Ann Schemmel (USA)
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana
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Sequence: AAA, 8 Count tag, A, 16 Count tag, AAA, 8 Count tag, A, 4 Count tag, AA, 8 Count tag, AAAA

1-2Right toe strut forward (right toe, drop heel)
3-4Full right turn forward stepping left, right
5-6Left toe strut forward
7-8Right sailor step
1-2Step left forward and pivot ¼ turn to right, ending with weight right
3-4Step left forward; pivot ½ right on ball of left while hooking right over left (weight. Forward on ball)
5-6&Right wizard step (right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward)
7-8&Left wizard step (left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward)
1-2Step right forward; step left into ¼ turn left
3-4Step right forward, hold
&5-6Pivot on ball of right ½ turn right; step back on left; hold (count 6)
7Step right back slightly and sway back over right hip
8Sway forward to left foot (which is still in place)
1Skate forward on right foot on right diagonal (long step)
2-3Hold (drag left toe slightly towards right foot)
4Skate forward on left foot on left diagonal (small step)
5Skate forward on right foot on right diagonal (small step)
6-8Place weight evenly on both feet; bounce heels three times and lean back slightly while turning ¼ left (shift weight forward to left foot on count 8).
Optional arms: hands out in front at waist level, palms down: bounce hands slightly up and down with heel bounces.

1-4Sweep right toe: from right side to front of left toe, back to right side, to behind left heel, then back to right side. (weight remains left)
5-8Shimmy down & up (or: rock right forward, return to left; rock right back, return to left.)
The 8 count tag (ronde with shimmy) occurs on the 3:00 wall the first two times (just prior to beginning the fourth and eight repetitions), then on the 6:00 wall the final time (during the last instrumental section)

Once only, facing 12:00 wall, after 4th repetition

1-4Grapevine right; end with left toe touch next to right foot on count 4
5-8Repeat grapevine, this time to left; end with right toe touch next to left
1-4Right triple to right, rock back on left, return to right
5-8Left triple to left, rock back on right, return to left

Once only, facing 12:00 wall, after 8th repetition

1-4Sway hips right, left, right, left (or double hip roll to the left, ending weight left)
The 16 and 4 count tags both occur facing the 12:00 wall (after 4 patterns and again after 8 patterns) which should make them easier to remember
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