1-4Vine right with a hitch
5-8Vine left with a hitch and ¼ turn left
9-10Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left foot
11-12Rock forward on right foot, hitch in place with left leg
13-14Rock forward on left foot, rock back on right foot
15-16Rock forward on left foot, hitch in place with right leg
To do this as a group dance, form two circles, one inside the other. The circle on the inside faces out and turns to the right. The circle on the outside faces in and goes to the left. Change the first 8 counts to:
1-4Vine right with a hitch and ½ turn right
5-8Vine left with a hitch and ¼ turn left
To do this as a couples dance, the man stands behind the lady, both facing in to the dance floor. Just drop right hands when you do the ½ turn hitch right and bring left hands to the front.
5-8Vine left with a hitch and ¼ turn left
9-10Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left foot
11-12Rock forward on right foot, hitch in place with left leg
13-14Rock forward on left foot, rock back on right foot
15-16Rock forward on left foot, hitch in place with right leg
To do this as a group dance, form two circles, one inside the other. The circle on the inside faces out and turns to the right. The circle on the outside faces in and goes to the left. Change the first 8 counts to:
1-4Vine right with a hitch and ½ turn right
5-8Vine left with a hitch and ¼ turn left
To do this as a couples dance, the man stands behind the lady, both facing in to the dance floor. Just drop right hands when you do the ½ turn hitch right and bring left hands to the front.