CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Colleen Beachler Blake (USA)
Hog Wild - Hank Williams, Jr.
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We performed this dance on TNN's Wildhorse Saloon in June 1997, which aired in July 1997. This is a highly stylized dance that calls for exaggerated motions and synchronized hand and arm movement. Body should be loose. Think "funky!"
1Touch right toe forward and across left (right leg stays straight)
&2Quick switch to put weight on right foot (&); touch left toe forward and across right (left leg stays straight)
&3Quick switch to put weight on left foot (&); touch tip of right toe behind left heel
&4Quick switch to put weight on right foot (&); touch tip of left toe behind right heel
5Step wide to left side with left foot
6Slide right foot to lift right knee (hitch) high ? Level with hips
&7In syncopated timing, stomp right, then left
1Step right across left
2Lift left knee, slightly out to left side
Accompanying hand motions: with elbows bent and keeping forearms parallel and hands relaxed, you will draw a small circle in the air in front of you with both hands, starting and ending at your waist, and moving them to the right (1 &); snap fingers on 2
3Step left across right
4Lift right knee out to right side
Accompanying hand motions: repeat above hand motions, but "draw circle to the left", snapping fingers on 4
5With right knee still up, slap outer right thigh with right hand
&Step down on right foot, while slapping outer left thigh with left hand
6Lift left knee while slapping inner left thigh with right hand
&Slap inside of left thigh with right hand
7Step down on left foot (end standing on both feet, with both knees slightly bent), while lifting/raising elbows out to sides at chest level (upper arms should be parallel to floor) and snapping fingers
&Keeping arms/hands where they are, snap fingers again
8Continuing to stand with knees bent, slap both thighs with both hands
1Touch right toe wide to right side, bending the left leg slightly, pulling arms up (fists together, palms down, knuckle to knuckle) at chest level, elbows out to sides
&2Bring right foot back to center to take weight, knee slightly bent, pumping arms, fists still together, down to hip level (&); touch left toe wide to left side, pulling arms (fists still together) up to chest level (2)
&3Bring left foot back to center to take weight, knee slightly bent, pumping arms (fists still together) down to hip level (&); touch right toe wide to right side, pulling arms (fists still together) up to chest level (3)
&Bending knee, kick right foot high across/in front of body and slap with left hand
4Touch right toe to right side
5&Lifting right knee into hitch position, hop on left foot twice to execute a full circle to the right
6"Land" with right foot, hip distance from left
7Jump to cross right foot over left
&Jump to land with feet hip distance apart
8Jump to put feet together
1-2Walk forward right, left
3Step forward right, bending both knees (crouching)
4Keeping feet where they are and remaining in crouched position, turn ½ to left on balls of feet
5&Step back with left foot (5); step back with right foot (&)
6Step forward long with left foot to turn ¼ to right
7Slide right foot to meet left, hitching right knee
&8Stomp right, then left
1Step left wide to left side, dropping left shoulder while raising right shoulder (again, exaggerate!)
2Close with right foot, raising left shoulder while dropping right shoulder
3&4Standing in place, drop left shoulder while raising right (3); square shoulders and push them both back (&); push shoulders forward (4)
5Step left wide to left side, dropping left shoulder while raising right shoulder
6Close with right foot, raising left shoulder while dropping right shoulder
7&8Standing in place, drop left shoulder while raising right (7); square shoulders and push them both back (&); push shoulders forward (8)
1Kick right foot to rear (leg straight)
2Spin ½ to right on ball of left foot, while hitching right knee
3&4Triple (or coaster) step, right-left-right
5Step left to left side
6Touch right behind left
7Turn one full turn to right on the balls of both feet (your should end with your right foot ahead of your left)
8Hold one beat to:

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