Improver mixed rhythm
1-8Kick right front, kick right side into a sailor step; kick front, kick left side into sailor step
1-8Step forward on right and kick left step back onto left touch right step right and drag left into a half turn to right step left and drag right into half turn to left
1-8Step right drag left into a half turn to right(turning to the left ¾ a two step turn) step left then right into a coaster step; left, right, left (turning to the right ½ a two step turn) step right then left
1-8Cha-cha step back onto right into coaster step(left right left) right rock step into sailor step ½ turn to the right
1-4Rock step left into sailor step ½ turn to the left
1-8Step forward on right and kick left step back onto left touch right step right and drag left into a half turn to right step left and drag right into half turn to left
1-8Step right drag left into a half turn to right(turning to the left ¾ a two step turn) step left then right into a coaster step; left, right, left (turning to the right ½ a two step turn) step right then left
1-8Cha-cha step back onto right into coaster step(left right left) right rock step into sailor step ½ turn to the right
1-4Rock step left into sailor step ½ turn to the left