1-4Step right toe forward, drop right heel step left toe forward, drop left heel
5-8Walk forward right, left, right, left (swinging your hips as you walk)
9-12Walk back right, left, right, left, right, (swinging your hips as you walk)
13-24Repeat steps 1 through 12
25-28Rolling vine to right, touching left & clapping on 4th beat
29-32Rolling vine to left, touching right & clapping on 4th beat
33-36Sway your hips to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left
37-40Step ¼ turn right on right foot, rock forward on the left, rock back on the right, step ¼ turn left with left foot (back to original position)
41-44Step ¼ turn right on right foot, rock forward on the left, rock back on the right, step ¼ turn left with left foot (back to original position)
45-46Step forward on right, ½ turn to the left
47-48Step forward on right, ¼ turn to the left.
5-8Walk forward right, left, right, left (swinging your hips as you walk)
9-12Walk back right, left, right, left, right, (swinging your hips as you walk)
13-24Repeat steps 1 through 12
25-28Rolling vine to right, touching left & clapping on 4th beat
29-32Rolling vine to left, touching right & clapping on 4th beat
33-36Sway your hips to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left
37-40Step ¼ turn right on right foot, rock forward on the left, rock back on the right, step ¼ turn left with left foot (back to original position)
41-44Step ¼ turn right on right foot, rock forward on the left, rock back on the right, step ¼ turn left with left foot (back to original position)
45-46Step forward on right, ½ turn to the left
47-48Step forward on right, ¼ turn to the left.