CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pretty Women

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Lesley Clark (SCO)
Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
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1-2Cross rock right over left
3&4Side shuffle to the right
5-6Cross rock left over right
7&8Side shuffle to the left
9-10Rock forward onto right, recover on left
11&12½ turn shuffle over right shoulder
13-14Rock forward onto left, recover on right
15&16½ turn shuffle over left shoulder
17-18Point right toe to right side, on ball of left foot, make a ½ turn to the right, bring right beside left, transfer weight to right foot
19-20Point left toe to left side, bring left beside right
21-22Point right toe to right side, on ball of left foot, make a ½ turn to the right, bring right beside left, transfer weight to right foot
23-24Point left toe to left side, bring left beside right
25-26Cross right toe over left foot, drop heel
27-28Step left toe to left side, drop heel
29-30Cross rock right over left, recover on left
31&32Side shuffle to the right
33-34Cross left toe over right foot, drop heel
35-36Step right toe to right side, drop heel
37-38Cross rock left over right, recover on right
39&40¼ turn left, left shuffle forward
41-42Step forward right, pivot ½ turn to the left
43&44(Quick) right lock step forward
45&46(Quick) left lock step forward
47-48Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left
49&50Left coaster step back
51-52Walk forward right, left
53-54Walk forward right, left


There is a restart on the 4th wall. Start the dance again after counts 49&50 left coaster step back (omit the walks forward)

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