CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Night Life

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Elizabeth Whittaker
I Love the Nightlife - Scooter Lee
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1-4Right heel 45 degrees, right toe across left foot, right heel 45 degrees, hitch right leg to side, slap right heel with right hand.
5-8Step forward right, hitch left, slap left knee with right hand, step back on left foot, lift right foot behind left leg, slap right heel with left hand.
9-12Vine right, touch left together.
13-16Left heel 45 degrees, left toe across right foot, left heel 45 degrees, hitch left leg to side, slap left heel with left hand.
17-20Step forward left, hitch right, slap right knee with left hand, step back on right foot, lift left foot behind right leg, slap left heel with right hand.
21-24Vine left, touch right together.
25-28Shuffle forward right-left-right, shuffle forward left-right-left, (turning body)
29-32Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left.
33-36Vine right, scuff left.
37-40Vine left, scuff right.
41-44Point right to side, place right toe behind left foot, turn ½ turn to right, clap.
45-48Fan left heel in, touch right toe to left instep, fan left heel out, touch right heel to left instep, fan left heel in, touch right toe, stomp right next to left.
49-52Fan right heel in, touch left toe to right instep, fan right heel out, touch left heel to right instep, fan right heel in, touch left toe, stomp left next to right.
53-56Right kick ball change, right kick ball change.
57-60Right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, right next to left, clap.
61-64Fan left heel in, touch right toe to left instep, fan left heel out, touch right heel to left instep, fan left heel in, touch right toe, stomp right next to left.
65-68Fan right heel in, touch left toe to right instep, fan right heel out, touch left heel to right instep, fan right heel in, touch left toe, stomp left next to right.
69-72Right kick ball change, right kick ball change.
73-76Right foot forward, clap, turn ¼ turn left, clap.
77-80Tap right toe behind left heel, scuff right foot and hitch 45 degrees, slap outside right knee with right hand, step right next to left.

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