CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Must Be Love

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Leonie Smallwood (AUS)
Must Be Love - Lonestar
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1&2&Rock/step back on right, step left in place, step right forward, step left forward
3&4Scuff right foot through beside left (with gusto), turn ½ turn left on left (pulling right in beside left), kick right forward
5&6&Rock/step back on right, step left in place, step right forward, step left forward
7&8Scuff right foot through beside left (with gusto), turn ½ turn left on left (pulling right in beside left), kick right forward
1&2Step right to right side, turn 45 degrees left to step left across in front of right, turn 45 degrees left to step right back (drag left heel)
3&4&Bounce back onto left (right heel forward), hop onto right & hook left behind right to turn ½ turn right, bounce back onto left (right heel forward), hop onto right & hook left behind right
5&6&Touch left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right), turn full turn right (moving forward), stepping left-right
7&8Step left to left side, step right to right side, circle hips to the left (1 count-finish weight on left)
1&2Step right to right side, turn 45 degrees left to step left across in front of right, turn 45 degrees left to step right back (drag left heel)
3&4&Bounce back onto left (right heel forward), hop onto right & hook left behind right to turn ½ turn right, bounce back onto left (right heel forward), hop onto right & hook left behind right
5&6&Touch left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right), turn full turn right (moving forward) stepping left-right
7&8Step left to left side, step right to right side, circle hips to the left (1 count-finish weight on left)
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3-4Turn ¼ turn left on left to step right forward (optional flick of the heel as you turn) step left forward
5&6&Drop/step forward on right, step left in place, drop/step back on right (touch left heel forward), step left in place
7&8&Drop/step forward on right, step left in place, drop/step back on right (touch left heel forward), step left in place
1&Step right to right side, step left to left side
2&-3&Rib isolation-right center right center (alternatively move right shoulder)
4&Turn ¼ turn left on both feet (weight to right) & punch right fist forward, hook left foot up & retract fist
5&6&Lock step forward left-right-left, touch right beside left
7&8&Jump both feet out, jump both feet in to turn full turn right, jump both feet out, jump left to center (right foot up)
1&2Step right foot to right diagonal (body facing straight) to push right hip to right 45 degrees circle hips to the left moving weight left-right
3&4Step left foot to left diagonal (body facing straight) to push left hip to left 45 degrees, circle hips to the right moving weight right-left
5&6Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side
&7&8&Turn ½ turn right on right to step left to left side, hitch right knee across body, touch right to right side, hitch right knee across body, touch right to right side
1&2&Step right to right diagonal (turn body 45 degrees left accordingly), step left behind right, jump both feet out, jump right foot to center (left foot up) to turn ¼ turn right
3&4&Step left to left side, step right behind left, jump both feet out, jump left to center (right foot up) to turn ¼ turn left
5&6&Jump both feet out, jump right to center (left foot up) to turn ¼ turn right, jump both feet out, jump left to center (right foot up) to turn 45 degrees left (now facing new wall straight on)
7-8Stomp right to right side, stomp left to left side


On wall 4 add an extra 2 beat hip roll (to the left) after count 16

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