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Me Too (P)

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Janet Hilliard
Me Too - Toby Keith
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Position: Traditional closed. man faces OLOD, lady faces ILOD

1MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
2MAN: Touch right foot next to left
 LADY: Touch left foot next to right
3MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
4MAN: Touch left foot next to right
 LADY: Touch right foot next to left
5-8Repeat 1-4

9MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
10MAN: Cross right foot behind left and step
 LADY: Cross left foot behind right and step
11MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
12MAN: Cross right foot over left and step
 LADY: Cross left foot over right and step
13MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
14MAN: Cross right foot behind left and step
 LADY: Cross left foot behind right and step
15MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
16Touch right foot next to left
 LADY: Touch left foot next to right

Man raises lady's right hand in his left and shuffles under upraised arms. Partners switch sides passing left shoulder to left shoulder

17&18MAN: Shuffle forward (right-left-right)
 LADY: Shuffle forward (left-right-left)
19&20MAN: Shuffle forward (left-right-left)
 LADY: Shuffle forward (right-left-right)
Partners have now switched sides. Bring joined hands down as you turn
21&22MAN: Shuffle in place (right-left-right) beginning a ½ turn to the left
 LADY: Shuffle in place (left-right-left) beginning a ½ turn to the right
23&24MAN: Shuffle in place (left-right-left) completing ½ turn to the left
 LADY: Shuffle in place (right-left-right) completing ½ turn to the right
Partners now face each other and resume traditional closed position with man now facing ILOD and lady facing OLOD

25MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
26MAN: Touch left foot next to right
 LADY: Touch right foot next to left
27MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
28MAN: Touch right foot next to left
 LADY: Touch left foot next to right
29-32Repeat beats 25-26

33MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
34MAN: Cross left foot behind right and step
 LADY: Cross right foot behind left and step
35MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
36MAN: Cross left foot over right and step
 LADY: Cross right foot over left and step
37MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
38MAN: Cross left foot behind right and step
 LADY: Cross right foot behind left and step
39MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
40MAN: Touch left foot next to right
 LADY: Touch right foot next to left

Man raises lady's right hand in his left and shuffles under upraised arms. Partners switch sides passing left shoulder to left shoulder

41&42MAN: Shuffle forward (left-right-left)
 LADY: Shuffle forward (right-left-right)
43&44MAN: Shuffle forward (right-left-right)
 LADY: Shuffle forward (left-right-left)
Partners have now switched sides. Bring joined hands down as you turn
45&46MAN: Shuffle in place (left-right-left) beginning a ½ turn to the left
 LADY: Shuffle in place (right-left-right) beginning a ½ turn to the right
47&48MAN: Shuffle in place (right-left-right) completing ½ turn to the left
 LADY: Shuffle in place (left-right-left) completing ½ turn to the right
Partners now face each otber and resume traditional closed position with man now facing OLOD and lady facing ILOD

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