CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Me Neither

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Terry Hogan (AUS)
Me Neither - Brad Paisley
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1&2Shuffle forward left-right-left
3&4Step right forward, step left beside right making ¼ turn right, step right foot backward (turning coaster)
5-6Rock backward on left, rock forward onto right
&7&8Step left forward, step right beside left, raise both heels, drop heels
9-10Rock/step left to the side, rock/replace weight onto right
11&12Step left across behind right, step right to the side, step left across in front of right
13-14Rock/step right to the side, rock/replace weight onto left
15&16Step right across behind left, step left to the side, step right across in front of left
&17-18Jump/step left to the side (small step), step right together, hold
&19-20Jump/step left to the side (small step), rock right foot across behind left, rock/replace weight forward onto left foot
21&22Shuffle to the right side right-left-right
23Make ¼ turn left on ball of right foot & step left foot backward
24Make ½ turn left on ball of left foot & step right foot forward
25Make ½ pivot turn left stepping forward onto left foot
26Step right beside left foot
&27Push/step backward on ball of left, step right foot slightly forward
28Step left beside right foot
&29Push/step backward on ball of right, step left foot slightly forward
30-31Step forward right-left
32Make ½ pivot turn right & step forward onto right foot


At the end of the 1st, 3rd & 5th wall do the following 2 counts (you will be facing the back wall each time)

1-2Rock/step left foot forward, rock backward onto right
There is also a small break in the music after the 5th wall tag. Don't stop, just keep dancing at he same pace
At the end of the 2nd wall (you will be facing front), do the following 8 counts

1&2Shuffle forward left-right-left
3-4Step forward right, make ½ pivot turn left stepping onto left foot
5&6Shuffle forward right-left-right
7-8Step forward left, make ½ pivot turn right stepping onto right foot
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