CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 1 Stimmen)
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Justine Shuttleworth (AUS)
I Love You - Faith Hill
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1-3Step forward on left, hold, hold
4-6Step forward on right, hold, hold
1-3Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right), step forward on left
4-6Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left (weight on left), step forward on right
1-3Step a large step to left, drag right foot towards left for 2 beats
4-6Touch right toe behind left foot, hold, hold
1-3Step a large step to right, drag left foot towards right for 2 beats
4-6Touch left toe behind right foot, hold, hold
1-3Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right taking 2 beats to turn & keeping weight back on left foot
4-6Coaster step; step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right
1-3Step forward on left taking 2 beats to turn, step on ball of left foot full turn right keeping right foot close to the ground
4-6Step forward on right, step forward on left, step forward on right
1-3Cross/step left over right, rock right to right, rock left in place (center)
4-6Cross/step right over left, rock left to left, rock right in place (center)
1-3Cross/step left over right, rock right to right, rock left in place (center)
4-6Cross/step right over left, drag left toe from behind right in as arc to the right around right foot close to the ground keeping arc pattern going turn ¼ right
1-3Rock forward on left, hold, hold
4-6Rock back on right, keeping the foot close to the ground swing left leg around to left side, continue swinging left leg around & behind right leg
1-3Step left behind right, rock right to right, rock replace weight onto left
4-6Step back on right, swing left leg around to left side, swing left leg behind right (as previously done)
1-6Repeat last 6 beats
1-3Step left foot behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
4-6Step right to right turning ¼ left, step back on left turning ½ left, step forward on right, (¾ turn left)
1-3Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6Step back on right, step back on left turning ½ left, step forward on right
1-3Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6Step a large step back on right, drag left heel back towards right for 2 beats
1-3*** Turn ¼ left & step left to left *** rocking hips to left side, hold, hold
4-6Rock hips to right, hold, hold
1-3Rock hips to left, hold, hold
4-6Turning 1 ¼ turn right - step right to right into ¼ turn right, step forward on left turning ½ right, step back on right turning a further ½ turn right


Complete the dance to *** and then add in the following beats

1Turn ¼ left & step left to left

2-3Swing hips left, swing hips right
4-6Swing hips left, hold, hold
1-3Hold, swing hips right, swing hips left
4-6Swing hips right, hold, hold
Then the dance from *** to the end and restart once again
Although this dance may not exactly be done to waltz music I have written it down in counts of 3 so it is more widely understood, the beats should read 1&a 2&a, 3&a and so on, but I thought this might confuse some dancers. The song I have chosen is extremely pretty and worth listening to, I hope you enjoy it!!
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