CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lori Cole
Steam - Ty Herndon
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1-2Full turn to the right on right foot. Bring right arm over head and down to side as you do the turn
3&Make an x with your right hand (on 3 go from upper right to lower left, on & go from upper left to lower right, snap each time)
4Bring left index finger to lips
5Wrap right arm around front of waist, look down to left
6Wrap left arm over right across waist, look down to right
7&8Squat slightly & lean a little to the left. Shake hands out 3 times, turn feet out, in, out
1Squat slightly more towards left, bring arms down to sides with hands flexed
2Stand up straight on right foot, lift left foot with left leg straight
3&4Sailor shuffle (left, right, left) with a ¼ turn to left
5-8Walk forward, with attitude, right, left, right, left with hands at sides
1-2With feet shoulder with or so apart, lean to right & roll back up
3-4Stick hips out to left, roll them down & snap up to the right
&5&6Snap hips left, right, left, right
&7Snap hips left, right. On 7 stick right hand out to side
8Step left foot across right (to make a ¼ turn to right), place left hand over right
1-2Bring elbows to sides, hands in fists, swing butt out to make a wide ¼ turn to right
3-4Step left foot forward & repeat ¼ turn
5Step forward on left foot
6Point right foot out to side
7Step forward on right foot, bring left hand up to forehead
8Point left foot out to side, drag right hand across forehead & shake out (as though wiping off sweat)
1Center your weight, drop left hand to side, bring right hand to mouth
2Stick right hand out, flexed (like you're signaling someone to stop), look to right
&Bring right arm over head (try to touch left ear with right hand) look forward
3Bring left hand up to cover right
4Stick hips out to right
5-6Drop left hand to side, swing hips down & up to left, bring right hand around back of head to under chin
7-8Swing hips down & up to right, swing right hand out to side
1&2Lean slightly to right & bounce down 3 times. Shake hands out on 2
3&4Lean slightly to left & bounce down 3 times. Shake hands out on 4
5Twist from waist up (keep hands in "out" position) to left
6Twist from waist up (keep hands in "out" position) to right
7&8Do a full turn traveling turn to left
&1Step forward right, left
2Slap hands down onto front of hips
3&4Shake hips right, left, right
5-6Walk forward right, left (with hands at sides)
7&8Step forward on right, back on left, lift right knee & do a ¼ turn to right
1Place hands back on front of hips, step forward on right
&2Slide feet together, slide feet apart (right in front of left)
&Slide right foot back to center, lift left foot
3Slide right foot back, place left in front
&Turn ¼ to right, while sliding feet together
4Turn ¼ to right while sliding right foot to front, left to back
&Bring left elbow up, left fist close to chest, lift left foot
5Place left foot to the side & punch left fist across chest diagonally down
&6Bring left fist back up, punch again
7-8Drop left hand to side, bring right hand to forehead & wipe sweat again

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