CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Make It Good

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Maureen Reynolds (AUS) & Linda Burgess (AUS)
I'm Gonna Getcha Good! - Shania Twain
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1-2&3-4Walk forward right, left, step right ball of foot to side, step left in place, step forward right
5-6&7&8Rock/step forward left, replace weight to right, step back on left & tap right heel forward, step right beside left, & step forward left
1-2-3&4Step forward right & pivot ½ left, shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6&7-8Rock left to left, rock right to right, step left beside right & rock right to right, rock left to left
1-2-3&4Cross/rock right over left, replace weight to left, turn ¾ turn right stepping right, left, right (triple step)
5-6-7&8Cross/rock left over right, replace weight to right, turn ¾ turn left stepping left, right, left (triple step)
1-2-3-4Step forward right & slightly crossed over left, scuff left forward, step forward left & slightly crossed over right, scuff right forward
5-6&7-8Cross/step right over left, step back left, turn ½ right & step forward right, step forward left & scuff right forward
1-2&3-4&(Right & left Dorothy)-step forward right to 45deg right, lock left behind right, step right beside left, step forward left to 45 degrees left, lock right behind left, step left beside right
5-6-7-8Forward right & pivot ½ left, step forward right & pivot ½ left
On the next 4 counts, keeping hands close together with clenched fists, elbows bent, move right shoulder down, left shoulder down, repeat
1-2-3-4(Traveling to right) toes in, (& heels out), heels in (& toes out), toes in (& heels out,) heels in (& toes out)
5&6-7&8Step forward left to 45 degrees left & bump hips forward twice, replace weight to right & bump hips back twice
1-2&3-4Kick left forward, kick left to left turning ¼l, step left beside right, step forward on right, pivot ½ left (weight to right) & bounce left heel in place
5-6&7-8Step forward left, touch right beside left, step back on right, step forward on left, touch right beside left
1&2-3-4Shuffle to right, - right, left, right, touch left toe behind right, unwind ¾ left (weight on left)
5&6-7&8Cross/step right over left, rock left to left side, replace weight onto right (right samba cross), cross/step left over right, rock right to right side, replace weight onto left (left samba cross)


On wall 3, facing front, after (step left beside right, & step forward right & pivot ½ left) counts 49-52, instead of pivot ½ left, only pivot ¼ left, then restart facing back

On wall 7, facing the front, after count 64, just add the following counts

1-4Cross/step right over left, step back left, step right to side, step forward left (jazz box step) then restart dance to front

After (rock left to left & rock right to right, step left beside right & rock right to right,) counts

13-14&15Do a hinge ½ turn right & step left to left side., count 16
Should be facing the front

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