1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5-8Step left forward, hold, pivot ½ turn right, hold
9-12Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
13-16Step right forward, hold, pivot ½ turn left, hold
17-18Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees, brush right heel up to left shin
19-20Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees placing weight onto right - slide left up beside right
21-22Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees, brush right heel up to left shin
23-24Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees placing weight onto right - slide left up beside right
25-26Step right to right side with weight, rock weight onto left
27-28Step right across behind left, unwind ½ turn right (weight on right)
29-30Step left forward, step right behind left & lock
31-32Step left forward, touch right beside left
Dance starts after 24 counts, this is 4 counts after the vocals start to phrase in with the song.
5-8Step left forward, hold, pivot ½ turn right, hold
9-12Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
13-16Step right forward, hold, pivot ½ turn left, hold
17-18Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees, brush right heel up to left shin
19-20Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees placing weight onto right - slide left up beside right
21-22Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees, brush right heel up to left shin
23-24Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees placing weight onto right - slide left up beside right
25-26Step right to right side with weight, rock weight onto left
27-28Step right across behind left, unwind ½ turn right (weight on right)
29-30Step left forward, step right behind left & lock
31-32Step left forward, touch right beside left
Dance starts after 24 counts, this is 4 counts after the vocals start to phrase in with the song.