Intro: 5 x 8 Counts (40 Counts)
Restart is on wall 3 after sektion 3. You have to walk a full circle on 8 counts. So you can restart on wall 12
Part 1: Right Back Samba, Left Back Samba, Right Touch, Left Touch (Face to 12)
1, 2&RF step right, weight RF, LF behind RF, weight back on RF
3, 4&LF step left, weight on LF, RF behind LF, weight back on LF
5, 6RF step right, LF touch next RF
7, 8LF step left, RF touch next LF
Part 2: Bachata diagonal right, Bachata diagonal back to place left (Face to 11)
1, 2Go diagonal right: RF step to the side, LF close next to RF
3, 4&Repeat 1,2 and end with a hip left
5-8Do the same diagonal backward, start with LF. You and at your start place
Part 3: ¾ Circle turn, 2x Skate, 1 Shuffle (Face change now to 9)
1-4Circle turn ¾ right with walk, start with the RF
5, 6Make a skate with RF and a skate with LF (like you are on rollerblades)
7, 8ShuƯle forward: RF forward, LF close next to RF, RF forward
Restart is on wall 3 after sektion 3. You have to walk a full circle on 8 counts. So you can restart on wall 12
Part 4: Rock Recover left, Coaster Turn ¼ left, Rock Recover and Heel, Clap (Face to 9 and change to 6)
1, 2LF rock recover: LF step forward and then go back on RF
3&4do a coaster turn ¼ to the left side : LF goes back, RF close next to LF, turns and bring LF forward.
5, 6&RF rock recover: RF goes back, LF close next to RF, bring weight back on RF
7, 8LF heel and clap
Part 5: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross 1/4 turn, Rock Recover Shuffle ½ turn (Face to 6 change to 3 and 9)
1, 2RF step to the side right, give weight back on LF (still on place)
3&4RF cross behind LF, bring LF to the side left, cross RF for LF, during you make this, turn ¼ to the left
5, 6LF rock recover and bring weight back on RF (count 5: Face to 3)
7&81/2 shuffle turn left: LF forward, RF close next to LF, LF forward (on count 8 : Face to 9)
Part 6: Side Rock ¼ turn, Cross Shuffle, Turn ½ , Cross and Heel (Face from 9 to 6 and 12)
1, 2RF rock recover in a ¼ turn left. RF go forward, bring weight back on LF, do this with a ¼ turn left (on count
2you have Face on 6)
3&4Cross shuffle with RF before LF: RF cross before LF, weight on LF, RF cross before LF
5, 6Weight on LF, turn ½ right (Face to 12)
7&8cross LF before RF, bring RF to the side right, heel with LF (cross and heel)
Part 7: And Cross hold, and Behind hold, and Rock Recover diagonal, Chassee right (Face to 12)
&1, 2Weight on LF, cross RF before LF and hold
&3, 4Bring LF on the left side, cross RF behind LF and hold
& 5, 6Bring LF on the left side and RF goes diagonal right in a rock recover: RF step forward, bring weight back on LF
7-8RF Chassee right: RF step to the side, LF close next to, RF step to the side
Part 8: Rock Recover in the diagonal line right, Full triple turn left, Heel turn left (Face from 12 to 1 to 6)
1, 2LF step forward, bring weight back on RF (Face to 1)
3&4Full triple turn left: LF, RF, LF (optional you can do a coaster step) (Face to 1)
5, 6RF rock recover: RF go forward, bring weight back on LF (Face to 1)
7Bring RF to next to LF and do a heelturn left with your left heel. Weight is on the RF next to LF (Face to 6)
8Bring weight back on LF
Have so much fun সহ
Restart is on wall 3 after sektion 3. You have to walk a full circle on 8 counts. So you can restart on wall 12
Part 1: Right Back Samba, Left Back Samba, Right Touch, Left Touch (Face to 12)
1, 2&RF step right, weight RF, LF behind RF, weight back on RF
3, 4&LF step left, weight on LF, RF behind LF, weight back on LF
5, 6RF step right, LF touch next RF
7, 8LF step left, RF touch next LF
Part 2: Bachata diagonal right, Bachata diagonal back to place left (Face to 11)
1, 2Go diagonal right: RF step to the side, LF close next to RF
3, 4&Repeat 1,2 and end with a hip left
5-8Do the same diagonal backward, start with LF. You and at your start place
Part 3: ¾ Circle turn, 2x Skate, 1 Shuffle (Face change now to 9)
1-4Circle turn ¾ right with walk, start with the RF
5, 6Make a skate with RF and a skate with LF (like you are on rollerblades)
7, 8ShuƯle forward: RF forward, LF close next to RF, RF forward
Restart is on wall 3 after sektion 3. You have to walk a full circle on 8 counts. So you can restart on wall 12
Part 4: Rock Recover left, Coaster Turn ¼ left, Rock Recover and Heel, Clap (Face to 9 and change to 6)
1, 2LF rock recover: LF step forward and then go back on RF
3&4do a coaster turn ¼ to the left side : LF goes back, RF close next to LF, turns and bring LF forward.
5, 6&RF rock recover: RF goes back, LF close next to RF, bring weight back on RF
7, 8LF heel and clap
Part 5: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross 1/4 turn, Rock Recover Shuffle ½ turn (Face to 6 change to 3 and 9)
1, 2RF step to the side right, give weight back on LF (still on place)
3&4RF cross behind LF, bring LF to the side left, cross RF for LF, during you make this, turn ¼ to the left
5, 6LF rock recover and bring weight back on RF (count 5: Face to 3)
7&81/2 shuffle turn left: LF forward, RF close next to LF, LF forward (on count 8 : Face to 9)
Part 6: Side Rock ¼ turn, Cross Shuffle, Turn ½ , Cross and Heel (Face from 9 to 6 and 12)
1, 2RF rock recover in a ¼ turn left. RF go forward, bring weight back on LF, do this with a ¼ turn left (on count
2you have Face on 6)
3&4Cross shuffle with RF before LF: RF cross before LF, weight on LF, RF cross before LF
5, 6Weight on LF, turn ½ right (Face to 12)
7&8cross LF before RF, bring RF to the side right, heel with LF (cross and heel)
Part 7: And Cross hold, and Behind hold, and Rock Recover diagonal, Chassee right (Face to 12)
&1, 2Weight on LF, cross RF before LF and hold
&3, 4Bring LF on the left side, cross RF behind LF and hold
& 5, 6Bring LF on the left side and RF goes diagonal right in a rock recover: RF step forward, bring weight back on LF
7-8RF Chassee right: RF step to the side, LF close next to, RF step to the side
Part 8: Rock Recover in the diagonal line right, Full triple turn left, Heel turn left (Face from 12 to 1 to 6)
1, 2LF step forward, bring weight back on RF (Face to 1)
3&4Full triple turn left: LF, RF, LF (optional you can do a coaster step) (Face to 1)
5, 6RF rock recover: RF go forward, bring weight back on LF (Face to 1)
7Bring RF to next to LF and do a heelturn left with your left heel. Weight is on the RF next to LF (Face to 6)
8Bring weight back on LF
Have so much fun সহ