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First 8 count:
1-2kick right forward, then kick out right
3 & 4coaster step RLR
5-6Kick left forward, then kick out left
7&8coaster step LRL
Second 8 count:
1-2-3-4walk forward RLR hitch left knee up
5-6-7-8walk back LRL together
Third 8 count:
1-2Step with right, cross over left
3 & 4Shuffle to the right
5-6Step with left across the right
7 & 8Shuffle to the left, quarter turn to the left
Fourth 8 count:
1-2rock forward right
3-4rock back right
5-6-7-8(v step) step forward right out, step forward left out, step back right, step back left together
First 8 count:
1-2kick right forward, then kick out right
3 & 4coaster step RLR
5-6Kick left forward, then kick out left
7&8coaster step LRL
Second 8 count:
1-2-3-4walk forward RLR hitch left knee up
5-6-7-8walk back LRL together
Third 8 count:
1-2Step with right, cross over left
3 & 4Shuffle to the right
5-6Step with left across the right
7 & 8Shuffle to the left, quarter turn to the left
Fourth 8 count:
1-2rock forward right
3-4rock back right
5-6-7-8(v step) step forward right out, step forward left out, step back right, step back left together