Dance starts 64 counts in.
[1-8] Cross rock, ¼ shuffle, ½ Turn, Shuffle FWD
1 2Cross RF over LF and recover LF
3&4¼ turn over R shoulder by stepping R foot to make the ¼ turn, step LF beside RF, step fwd R. (3:00)
5 6Step L fwd, ½ turn over R shoulder shifting your weight to RF
7&8Step LF fwd, step RF beside LF, step fwd LF (9:00)
[9-16] ¼ Collect, modified Jazz box, Hip Sway and Sit
1 2Step RF out making a ¼ turn L and collect LF beside RF (weight will end on LF)
3 4Cross RF over LF, Step back with LF
5 6Step out with RF to R side, Drag LF into RF keeping weight on RF
7 8Sway to L, return weight to RF and sit into R side popping the L knee (6:00)
[17-24] ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock and Recover, ½ Shuffle, ¼ Collect
1&2Step fwd with LF making ¼ turn L, step RF beside LF, step fwd LF (3:00)
3 4Rock fwd with RF and recover on LF
5&6Over R shoulder ½ turn shuffle by stepping RLR (9:00)
7 8Step LF out making a ¼ turn R and collect RF beside LF taking the weight on RF (12:00)
[18-32] Weave with ¼ turn, Rock and Recover, Triple
1 2 3 4Cross LF over RF, step out with RF, step LF behind RF, ¼ Turn R by stepping RF fwd
5 6Rock LF fwd and recover weight on RF
7&8Triple in place RLR (optional step would be a full turn triple over L shoulder)
Begin the Dance Again!! Have Fun!!
[1-8] Cross rock, ¼ shuffle, ½ Turn, Shuffle FWD
1 2Cross RF over LF and recover LF
3&4¼ turn over R shoulder by stepping R foot to make the ¼ turn, step LF beside RF, step fwd R. (3:00)
5 6Step L fwd, ½ turn over R shoulder shifting your weight to RF
7&8Step LF fwd, step RF beside LF, step fwd LF (9:00)
[9-16] ¼ Collect, modified Jazz box, Hip Sway and Sit
1 2Step RF out making a ¼ turn L and collect LF beside RF (weight will end on LF)
3 4Cross RF over LF, Step back with LF
5 6Step out with RF to R side, Drag LF into RF keeping weight on RF
7 8Sway to L, return weight to RF and sit into R side popping the L knee (6:00)
[17-24] ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock and Recover, ½ Shuffle, ¼ Collect
1&2Step fwd with LF making ¼ turn L, step RF beside LF, step fwd LF (3:00)
3 4Rock fwd with RF and recover on LF
5&6Over R shoulder ½ turn shuffle by stepping RLR (9:00)
7 8Step LF out making a ¼ turn R and collect RF beside LF taking the weight on RF (12:00)
[18-32] Weave with ¼ turn, Rock and Recover, Triple
1 2 3 4Cross LF over RF, step out with RF, step LF behind RF, ¼ Turn R by stepping RF fwd
5 6Rock LF fwd and recover weight on RF
7&8Triple in place RLR (optional step would be a full turn triple over L shoulder)
Begin the Dance Again!! Have Fun!!