* 1x 4-ct tag)
Starts 4-counts in, with start of lyrics:
[1-8] Heel Switches, R Heel-Hook, R Heel-Flick, ½ R Pivot, ¼ R Pivot
1 &Touch R heel forward (1), Step R together (&)
2 &Touch L heel forward (2) , Step L together (&)
3 &Touch R heel forward (3), Hook R ankle to shin (&)
4 &Touch R heel forward (4), Flick R behind L (&)
5, 6Step R forward (5), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (6:00) (6)
7, 8Step R forward (7), Pivot ¼ Left changing weight into L (3:00) (8)
[Optional] On [3&4&] try slapping your leg with L hand during the hook, then again with R hand during flick!
TAG at the end of 4th wall facing (12:00)
[9-16] Touch-out RL, Heel Switches, Forward Out-Out w/ Claps, Back Out-Out w/ Claps
1 &Touch R toe to R side (1), Step R together (&)
2 &Touch L toe to L side (2), Step L together (&)
3 &Touch R heel forward (3), Step R together (&)
4 &Touch L heel forward (4), Step L together (&)
5 &Step R to forward diagonal (5), Clap hands up and to R (&)
6 &Step L out to side (6), Clap hands up and to L (&)
7 &Step R back diagonal (7), Clap hands down and to R (&)
8 &Step L out to side (8), Clap hands down and to L (&)
[17-24] R Hop w/ Kick, L Hop w/ Flick, R Cross Shuffle, Sway L, R, Weave
1Hop R out to R side kicking L out to L side with flexed foot (1)
2Hop L out to L side flicking R foot out to R side (2)
3 & 4Step R across L (3), Step ball of L together (&), Step R across L (4)
5, 6Step L out to L side swaying into L hips (5), Swap into R hips (6)
7 & 8Step L behind R (7), Step ball of R together (&), Step L across R (8)
[25-32] ¼ L Slide R Back, ¼ L Slide R Out, Toe-Heel-Stomp, Scoot x2
1, 2¼ Turn Left stepping R back and dragging L together (1), Step L together (2)
3, 4¼ Turn Left stepping R out to R side and dragging L together (3), Step L together
5 & 6Tap R toe with knee bending in (5), Touch R heel forward (&), Stomp R together
7, 8Scoot both feet forward (7), Repeat (8)
TAG [1-4] ½ R Pivot, ½ R Pivot
1, 2Step R forward (1), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (6:00) (2)
3, 4Step R forward (3), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (12:00) (4)
Try it CONTRA! Small scoots on counts 31 & 32, or substitute with heel lifts in place.
If only two lines, have them start facing away from each other for maximum contra effects ;)
(i.e. front line faces 12:00, back line faces 6:00)
Made in honor of the new Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Cassie! May this dance serve as a reminder of joy and love for years to come!
Choreographed by Emily Faye: Find me on Social Media!
Facebook: .com/CountryDancingEm
Instagram: .com/CountryDancingEm
Youtube: .com/@CountryDancingEm
TikTok: .com/@CountryDancingEm
Starts 4-counts in, with start of lyrics:
[1-8] Heel Switches, R Heel-Hook, R Heel-Flick, ½ R Pivot, ¼ R Pivot
1 &Touch R heel forward (1), Step R together (&)
2 &Touch L heel forward (2) , Step L together (&)
3 &Touch R heel forward (3), Hook R ankle to shin (&)
4 &Touch R heel forward (4), Flick R behind L (&)
5, 6Step R forward (5), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (6:00) (6)
7, 8Step R forward (7), Pivot ¼ Left changing weight into L (3:00) (8)
[Optional] On [3&4&] try slapping your leg with L hand during the hook, then again with R hand during flick!
TAG at the end of 4th wall facing (12:00)
[9-16] Touch-out RL, Heel Switches, Forward Out-Out w/ Claps, Back Out-Out w/ Claps
1 &Touch R toe to R side (1), Step R together (&)
2 &Touch L toe to L side (2), Step L together (&)
3 &Touch R heel forward (3), Step R together (&)
4 &Touch L heel forward (4), Step L together (&)
5 &Step R to forward diagonal (5), Clap hands up and to R (&)
6 &Step L out to side (6), Clap hands up and to L (&)
7 &Step R back diagonal (7), Clap hands down and to R (&)
8 &Step L out to side (8), Clap hands down and to L (&)
[17-24] R Hop w/ Kick, L Hop w/ Flick, R Cross Shuffle, Sway L, R, Weave
1Hop R out to R side kicking L out to L side with flexed foot (1)
2Hop L out to L side flicking R foot out to R side (2)
3 & 4Step R across L (3), Step ball of L together (&), Step R across L (4)
5, 6Step L out to L side swaying into L hips (5), Swap into R hips (6)
7 & 8Step L behind R (7), Step ball of R together (&), Step L across R (8)
[25-32] ¼ L Slide R Back, ¼ L Slide R Out, Toe-Heel-Stomp, Scoot x2
1, 2¼ Turn Left stepping R back and dragging L together (1), Step L together (2)
3, 4¼ Turn Left stepping R out to R side and dragging L together (3), Step L together
5 & 6Tap R toe with knee bending in (5), Touch R heel forward (&), Stomp R together
7, 8Scoot both feet forward (7), Repeat (8)
TAG [1-4] ½ R Pivot, ½ R Pivot
1, 2Step R forward (1), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (6:00) (2)
3, 4Step R forward (3), Pivot ½ Left changing weight into L (12:00) (4)
Try it CONTRA! Small scoots on counts 31 & 32, or substitute with heel lifts in place.
If only two lines, have them start facing away from each other for maximum contra effects ;)
(i.e. front line faces 12:00, back line faces 6:00)
Made in honor of the new Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Cassie! May this dance serve as a reminder of joy and love for years to come!
Choreographed by Emily Faye: Find me on Social Media!
Facebook: .com/CountryDancingEm
Instagram: .com/CountryDancingEm
Youtube: .com/@CountryDancingEm
TikTok: .com/@CountryDancingEm