Intermediate NC
Intro: 24 Counts
Sequence: 40, 36, 16& (Changing step), 36, 36, 36, 16 (Ending)
Section 1 Side/Hitch, Weave, 1/4 Forward, 1/2 Pivot, 1/4 Side, Behind Side, Cross, Recover, Side
1 2&3Step R to R /hitching L , cross L over R, step R to R, cross L behind R (12:00)
4&51/4 Turn R step R forward, step L forward, 1/2 pivot turn R weight on R (9:00)
6&71/4 Turn R step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to L (12:00)
8 &1Rock cross R over L, recover weight on L, step R to R
Section 2 Cross, Recover, Side, Run R L, Forward, 1/2 Recover, 1/2 Recover, 1/2 Forward, Forward
2&3Rock cross L over R, recover weight on R, step L to L
4&5Run forward on R, L, rock forward on R
6 71/2 Turn L weight on L, 1/2 turn R weight on R
8 &1/2 Turn L step L forward , step R slightly forward (6:00)
Section 3 Forward/Hitch, Forward R L, 1/8 Forward/Hitch, Forward L R, Forward/Kick, Back R L, Touch, 1/2 Forward, Together
1 2&Step L forward/hitching R, step forward on R L
3 4&Step R forward with 1/8 turn R while hitching L, step forward on L, R (7:30)
5 6&Step L forward/kicking forward on R, step back on R, L
7 8 &Touch R behind L, 1/2 turn R step R forward, step L beside R (1:30)
Section 4 1/8 Basic Step, Vine, 1/4 Basic Step, Sway R L
1 2&1/8 Turn L big step R to R, step L behind R, cross R over L (12:00)
3&4&Step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to L, slightly cross R over L
5 6&1/4 Turn R step L to L, step R behind L, cross L over R (3:00)
7 8Sway R, sway L
Section 5 Rock Recover Together (R,L), Forward, 1/2 Pivot, Forward, Touch
1 2&Rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step R beside L
3 4&Rock forward on L, recover weight on R, step L beside R
5 6&Step R forward, step L forward, 1/2 pivot turn R weight on R (9:00)
7 8Step L forward, touch R beside L
Change step: On wall 3 after 16 counts change “step R slightly forward”to “drag R towards L” (6:00)
Ending: Dance 15 counts of wall 7 (3:00), then turn 1/4 L step L to L to finish facing 12:00
Contact Emall: 1075959938 @
Last Update: 28 Feb 2025
Sequence: 40, 36, 16& (Changing step), 36, 36, 36, 16 (Ending)
Section 1 Side/Hitch, Weave, 1/4 Forward, 1/2 Pivot, 1/4 Side, Behind Side, Cross, Recover, Side
1 2&3Step R to R /hitching L , cross L over R, step R to R, cross L behind R (12:00)
4&51/4 Turn R step R forward, step L forward, 1/2 pivot turn R weight on R (9:00)
6&71/4 Turn R step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to L (12:00)
8 &1Rock cross R over L, recover weight on L, step R to R
Section 2 Cross, Recover, Side, Run R L, Forward, 1/2 Recover, 1/2 Recover, 1/2 Forward, Forward
2&3Rock cross L over R, recover weight on R, step L to L
4&5Run forward on R, L, rock forward on R
6 71/2 Turn L weight on L, 1/2 turn R weight on R
8 &1/2 Turn L step L forward , step R slightly forward (6:00)
Section 3 Forward/Hitch, Forward R L, 1/8 Forward/Hitch, Forward L R, Forward/Kick, Back R L, Touch, 1/2 Forward, Together
1 2&Step L forward/hitching R, step forward on R L
3 4&Step R forward with 1/8 turn R while hitching L, step forward on L, R (7:30)
5 6&Step L forward/kicking forward on R, step back on R, L
7 8 &Touch R behind L, 1/2 turn R step R forward, step L beside R (1:30)
Section 4 1/8 Basic Step, Vine, 1/4 Basic Step, Sway R L
1 2&1/8 Turn L big step R to R, step L behind R, cross R over L (12:00)
3&4&Step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to L, slightly cross R over L
5 6&1/4 Turn R step L to L, step R behind L, cross L over R (3:00)
7 8Sway R, sway L
Section 5 Rock Recover Together (R,L), Forward, 1/2 Pivot, Forward, Touch
1 2&Rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step R beside L
3 4&Rock forward on L, recover weight on R, step L beside R
5 6&Step R forward, step L forward, 1/2 pivot turn R weight on R (9:00)
7 8Step L forward, touch R beside L
Change step: On wall 3 after 16 counts change “step R slightly forward”to “drag R towards L” (6:00)
Ending: Dance 15 counts of wall 7 (3:00), then turn 1/4 L step L to L to finish facing 12:00
Contact Emall: 1075959938 @
Last Update: 28 Feb 2025