*1 restart on wall 2 after 16 ct, facing 6:00
(1-8) Rock right, behind side cross, rock left, sailor 1/4 left
1,2Rock out to right with R and recover on L (facing 12:00)
3&4L behind side cross R over L
5,6Rock out to left on L and recover on R
7&8Sailor left 1/4 (facing 9:00)
(9-16) Rock fwd on R, turn 1/2 shuffle fwd, rock fwd on L, turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4Rock fwd on R, recover on left and turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd on right (facing 3:00)
5,6,7&8Rock fwd on L, recover on right and turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd on left (facing 9:00)
Restart here on wall 2 after 16 ct, on last count turn 1/4 to start wall 3 facing 6:00
(17-24) Turn 1/4 left cross shuffle, step L and tap R behind, 2 sways
1,2Step fwd on R and turn 1/4 left, recover on left (facing 6:00)
3&4Cross R over L and shuffle
5,6Step L to left and tap R toe behind left foot
7,8Sway hips right and left (still facing 6:00)
(25-32) Sailor 1/4 R, bounce twice left, left coaster walk walk
1&2Right sailor 1/4 (facing 9:00)
3,4Bounce twice 1/2 left (facing 3:00)
5&6Left coaster step (facing 3:00)
7,8Walk forward right left (facing 3:00)
Last Update: 27 Feb 2025
(1-8) Rock right, behind side cross, rock left, sailor 1/4 left
1,2Rock out to right with R and recover on L (facing 12:00)
3&4L behind side cross R over L
5,6Rock out to left on L and recover on R
7&8Sailor left 1/4 (facing 9:00)
(9-16) Rock fwd on R, turn 1/2 shuffle fwd, rock fwd on L, turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4Rock fwd on R, recover on left and turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd on right (facing 3:00)
5,6,7&8Rock fwd on L, recover on right and turn 1/2 and shuffle fwd on left (facing 9:00)
Restart here on wall 2 after 16 ct, on last count turn 1/4 to start wall 3 facing 6:00
(17-24) Turn 1/4 left cross shuffle, step L and tap R behind, 2 sways
1,2Step fwd on R and turn 1/4 left, recover on left (facing 6:00)
3&4Cross R over L and shuffle
5,6Step L to left and tap R toe behind left foot
7,8Sway hips right and left (still facing 6:00)
(25-32) Sailor 1/4 R, bounce twice left, left coaster walk walk
1&2Right sailor 1/4 (facing 9:00)
3,4Bounce twice 1/2 left (facing 3:00)
5&6Left coaster step (facing 3:00)
7,8Walk forward right left (facing 3:00)
Last Update: 27 Feb 2025