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( Each time through you will end up ¼ turn to the left of your previous staring wall. )
(1st 8 counts ) Right knee hitch forward 4X & Left heel kick out Reverse ¼ turn into Left coaster step
1&2&3&4Syncopated Right step & hitch forward pattern, R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L
567&8Left kick forward out left performing a reverse ¼ turn followed by a left coaster step left, right, left.
(2nd 8 counts ) Right Step forward left pivot natural half turn, walk R,L, sway back R, L, R, L
1234Right step forward, Left step forward natural half turn, Walk R foot to (3:00) wall & left foot next to Right
5,6,7,8Slow Sway back right, left, right, left.
(3rd 8 counts ) Right foot step out then left step out into V step followed by right sailor step behind then left natural half turn stepping left foot then right foot.
1234V step pattern Right out, left out, right in, left in
5 & 6Right foot behind left, left recover and right foot returns.
7, 8Natural half turn stepping left then right return facing the starting (12:00) wall
(4th 8 counts ) Left shuffle oblique, Right shuffle into reverse ¼ turn, then traveling heel swivels to the right on 5,6,7,8.
1&2&3&4Left shuffle to Oblique left corner(10:30) , then shuffle to the right performing a reverse ¼ turn to (9:00) wall stepping right foot to right side, left next to right, & right foot out
5678Heels pivot out to right, right toes follow to face back on (9:00) wall, repeat heels to right, and toes follow.
( Each time through you will end up ¼ turn to the left of your previous staring wall. )
(1st 8 counts ) Right knee hitch forward 4X & Left heel kick out Reverse ¼ turn into Left coaster step
1&2&3&4Syncopated Right step & hitch forward pattern, R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L
567&8Left kick forward out left performing a reverse ¼ turn followed by a left coaster step left, right, left.
(2nd 8 counts ) Right Step forward left pivot natural half turn, walk R,L, sway back R, L, R, L
1234Right step forward, Left step forward natural half turn, Walk R foot to (3:00) wall & left foot next to Right
5,6,7,8Slow Sway back right, left, right, left.
(3rd 8 counts ) Right foot step out then left step out into V step followed by right sailor step behind then left natural half turn stepping left foot then right foot.
1234V step pattern Right out, left out, right in, left in
5 & 6Right foot behind left, left recover and right foot returns.
7, 8Natural half turn stepping left then right return facing the starting (12:00) wall
(4th 8 counts ) Left shuffle oblique, Right shuffle into reverse ¼ turn, then traveling heel swivels to the right on 5,6,7,8.
1&2&3&4Left shuffle to Oblique left corner(10:30) , then shuffle to the right performing a reverse ¼ turn to (9:00) wall stepping right foot to right side, left next to right, & right foot out
5678Heels pivot out to right, right toes follow to face back on (9:00) wall, repeat heels to right, and toes follow.