High Intermediate
Start after 14 seconds on „coast“
Section 1: Walks, Mambo ½ right, Pivot ½ right, Cross ¼ right, ½ left with Knee pop
1,2Step RF forward, Step LF forward
3&4Rock RF forward, Recover on LF, Turn ½ to right (6:00) RF forward
5&6Step LF forward, Pivot RF ½ to right, Turn ¼ to right Cross LF in front (3:00)
7,8Step RF forward, Turn ½ to left while doing a knee pop (weight stays on RF) (9:00)
Restart: Instead the Knee pop put your weight on the LF on count 8 and restart
Section 2: Walks backwards, Coasterstep, ¼ L, Cross behind, Unwind, Side Rock Cross
1,2Step LF backwards, Step RF small backwards
3&4Step LF backwards, Close RF next to LF, Step LF forward
&5,6Turn ¼ to left and Step RF to side (6:00), Cross LF behind, Unwind ½ to left Weight on left (12:00)
7&8&Step RF to side, Recover on LF, Cross RF in front, Start Sweeping with LF to front
Section 3: Walks, Scissor Step, Lock Step, Slide, Behind Side Cross ¼ R
1&2Step LF forward, Sweep RF to front, Step RF forward
3&4Step LF diagonally backwards, Close RF next to LF, Cross LF in front (1:30)
&5Lock RF behind LF (or Step RF next to LF), Step LF forward (1:30)
6Step RF to side for a small Slide (12:00)
7&8Cross LF behind, Step RF to side, Turn ¼ to right LF forward (3:00)
Section 4: Hitch, Point, 1¾ R 4-Step-Turn, Sailor Step, ¼ L Sailor Turn
1,2Lift right knee, Point RF backwards (3:00)
&Turn ¼ to right Step RF where it was Pointing to side (6:00)
3Turn ½ to right Step LF to side (12:00)
&Turn ½ to right Step RF to side (6:00)
4Turn ½ to right Step LF to side (12:00)
5&6Cross RF behind, Step LF to side, Step RF to side
7&8Cross LF behind, Turn ¼ to left RF Step to side, Step LF forward (9:00)
Restart: During 3rd Wall dance to Count 8 in the modified way and restart facing 3:00
Section 1: Walks, Mambo ½ right, Pivot ½ right, Cross ¼ right, ½ left with Knee pop
1,2Step RF forward, Step LF forward
3&4Rock RF forward, Recover on LF, Turn ½ to right (6:00) RF forward
5&6Step LF forward, Pivot RF ½ to right, Turn ¼ to right Cross LF in front (3:00)
7,8Step RF forward, Turn ½ to left while doing a knee pop (weight stays on RF) (9:00)
Restart: Instead the Knee pop put your weight on the LF on count 8 and restart
Section 2: Walks backwards, Coasterstep, ¼ L, Cross behind, Unwind, Side Rock Cross
1,2Step LF backwards, Step RF small backwards
3&4Step LF backwards, Close RF next to LF, Step LF forward
&5,6Turn ¼ to left and Step RF to side (6:00), Cross LF behind, Unwind ½ to left Weight on left (12:00)
7&8&Step RF to side, Recover on LF, Cross RF in front, Start Sweeping with LF to front
Section 3: Walks, Scissor Step, Lock Step, Slide, Behind Side Cross ¼ R
1&2Step LF forward, Sweep RF to front, Step RF forward
3&4Step LF diagonally backwards, Close RF next to LF, Cross LF in front (1:30)
&5Lock RF behind LF (or Step RF next to LF), Step LF forward (1:30)
6Step RF to side for a small Slide (12:00)
7&8Cross LF behind, Step RF to side, Turn ¼ to right LF forward (3:00)
Section 4: Hitch, Point, 1¾ R 4-Step-Turn, Sailor Step, ¼ L Sailor Turn
1,2Lift right knee, Point RF backwards (3:00)
&Turn ¼ to right Step RF where it was Pointing to side (6:00)
3Turn ½ to right Step LF to side (12:00)
&Turn ½ to right Step RF to side (6:00)
4Turn ½ to right Step LF to side (12:00)
5&6Cross RF behind, Step LF to side, Step RF to side
7&8Cross LF behind, Turn ¼ to left RF Step to side, Step LF forward (9:00)
Restart: During 3rd Wall dance to Count 8 in the modified way and restart facing 3:00