Phrased Advanced
Intro: 8 Counts, Start at approx 6 secs
Sequence: A, B, A, B, B, A, ending
starts facing 1.30
Part A: 32c
Diagonal toe-heel strut (2x) with arms, back step (2x) with arms, rise with arm, back step (4x)
1-2Diagonal step forward touching R toe to floor (1), drop R heel to the floor (2). (1:30)
Arms: Keep arms down (1), raise R arm up at a 90-degree angle from the elbow (2).
3-4Diagonal step forward touching L toe to floor (3), drop L heel to the floor (4). (1:30)
Arms: Keep R arm still and L arm down (3), raise L arm up at a 90-degree angle from the elbow (4).
5-6aStep back R (5), step back L (6), lift straight R slightly off the ground (a). (1:30)
Arms: Place R arm gently over chest (5), place L arm gently over chest (6), raise R arm index finger on lips as if signaling "be quiet."
7&8&Step back R (7), step back L (&), step back R (8), step back L (&) (1:30)
Arms: Make yourself comfortable with your arms :)
Out-out, back toe-heel-drop, out-out, back toe-heel-rise, step-lock-pop (2x)
1&Step on R heel forward diagonally to right (1), step on L heel forward diagonally to left (&), (1:30)
2&Step R back on toe (2), drop R heel stepping L next to R (end weight on L) (1:30)
3&Step on R heel forward diagonally to right (3), step on Lheel forward diagonally to left (&), (1:30)
4&Step R back on toe lightly touching toe back(4), rise onto R toe stepping L next to R (standing on balls, but weight on L) (1:30)
5-6Step R forward (5), lock L beside R popping R knee forward (6) (1:30)
7-8Step R forward (7), lock L beside R popping R knee forward (8) (1:30)
1/8 turn, side step - back rock (2x), side rock with hand, step left – together with hand
1-2&Turn 1/8 left stepping R to right (1), step L behind R (2), recover weight on R (&), (12:00)
3-4&Step L to left (3), step R behind L (4), recover weight on L (&), (12:00)
5-6Step R to right (5), recover weight on L (6) , (12:00)
Head and arms: Turn head to right same time extending R arm to right (5), turn head straight same time bend R arm, cover your eyes with R hand (6).
7-8Big step L to left (7), step R next to L (8). (12:00)
Arms: Lower R arm (7), L arm makes a full circle from front to back (7-8)
Side step – touch with hands, full turn, side rock into side pushes, hands, full turn
1-2Big step L to left (1), touch R next to L (2). (12:00)
Arms: Spread both arms diagonally apart (L diagonally up and R diagonally down) (1), lower L arm while bringing R fist to heart
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3), swinging L leg up from behind to front (&), turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (4) (9:00)
5-6Turn 1/4 right stepping R to right pushing upper-body to R side (5), step L pushing upper-body to L side (6) (prepare for the turn) (12:00)
Arms: Move both arms in front of you a ⸧ shape from top to bottom and left-right-left (prepare for the turn)
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (7), swinging L leg up from behind to front (&), turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (8) (9:00)
Part B: 32c
Side step, bending heels turn, back rock, full turn with sweep, back step, 3/8 turn step, full turn
1&2Turn 1/4 right stepping R to right (1) (at the beginning of the third B, turn only 1/8), bend both knees slightly rising gently onto toes (&), turn ¼ to left twisting heels 1/4 to right (weight on R) (9:00)
3-4Rock back on L (3), recover weight on R (4) (9:00)
5-6&Turn 1/2 right stepping L back (5), turn ½ right stepping L forward sweeping L from back to forward (6), cross step L over R (&) (9:00)
7-8&1Step back R (7), turn 3/8 left stepping L forward (8), turn 1/2 left stepping R back, (&), turn 1/2 left stepping L forward (1) (4:30)
Cross rock, turn 1/8 side step with knee bending, stomps on place (3x), side step, touch back with the arms
2-3cross step R over L (2), recover weight on L (3) (4:30)
4-5turn 1/8 right stepping R to right side bending both knees (4), stomp L next to R (5)(6:00)
Body: Move body in a U-shaped motion (4&5)
6-7stomp R next to L (6), stomp L next to R (7) (6:00)
8-1step R to right side (8), cross L toe touch behind L (1) (6:00)
Arms &1: Move both arms O-shaped motion from elbows, starting from bottom and moving counterclockwise (&), finish by directing straight arms diagonally R down.
Slow ¾ unwind turn with arms, jazz box side (2x)
2-3-4Unwind 1/4 turn left on spot weight on R (2), unwind ¼ turn left on the spot ending weight on both feet (3), unwind 1/4 turn left on spot ending weight on L (4) (9:00)
Arms: Move your arms freely, as if you’re expressing yourself as a ghost.
5&6Cross R over L (5), step L back (&), step R to right (6) (9:00)
7&8Cross L over R (5), step R back (&), step L to right (6) (9:00)
Out-out, in-in, rock (2x), sailor step, sailor step ending
1&2&Step R diagonally forward onto heel (1), step L diagonally forward onto heel (&), step R diagonally back 2), step L next to R (&) (9:00)
3&4&Rock R forward (3), recover weight on L (&), rock R to right (4), recover weight on L (&)
5&6Step R behind L (5), step L to L (&), step R diagonally forward (6) (9:00)
7&8Step L behind R (7), step R to L (&), turn 1/8 left stepping L forward (8) (1:30)
1Don't move your leg (direction 01:30), sharply lower your head (direction 12:00)
Sequence: A, B, A, B, B, A, ending
starts facing 1.30
Part A: 32c
Diagonal toe-heel strut (2x) with arms, back step (2x) with arms, rise with arm, back step (4x)
1-2Diagonal step forward touching R toe to floor (1), drop R heel to the floor (2). (1:30)
Arms: Keep arms down (1), raise R arm up at a 90-degree angle from the elbow (2).
3-4Diagonal step forward touching L toe to floor (3), drop L heel to the floor (4). (1:30)
Arms: Keep R arm still and L arm down (3), raise L arm up at a 90-degree angle from the elbow (4).
5-6aStep back R (5), step back L (6), lift straight R slightly off the ground (a). (1:30)
Arms: Place R arm gently over chest (5), place L arm gently over chest (6), raise R arm index finger on lips as if signaling "be quiet."
7&8&Step back R (7), step back L (&), step back R (8), step back L (&) (1:30)
Arms: Make yourself comfortable with your arms :)
Out-out, back toe-heel-drop, out-out, back toe-heel-rise, step-lock-pop (2x)
1&Step on R heel forward diagonally to right (1), step on L heel forward diagonally to left (&), (1:30)
2&Step R back on toe (2), drop R heel stepping L next to R (end weight on L) (1:30)
3&Step on R heel forward diagonally to right (3), step on Lheel forward diagonally to left (&), (1:30)
4&Step R back on toe lightly touching toe back(4), rise onto R toe stepping L next to R (standing on balls, but weight on L) (1:30)
5-6Step R forward (5), lock L beside R popping R knee forward (6) (1:30)
7-8Step R forward (7), lock L beside R popping R knee forward (8) (1:30)
1/8 turn, side step - back rock (2x), side rock with hand, step left – together with hand
1-2&Turn 1/8 left stepping R to right (1), step L behind R (2), recover weight on R (&), (12:00)
3-4&Step L to left (3), step R behind L (4), recover weight on L (&), (12:00)
5-6Step R to right (5), recover weight on L (6) , (12:00)
Head and arms: Turn head to right same time extending R arm to right (5), turn head straight same time bend R arm, cover your eyes with R hand (6).
7-8Big step L to left (7), step R next to L (8). (12:00)
Arms: Lower R arm (7), L arm makes a full circle from front to back (7-8)
Side step – touch with hands, full turn, side rock into side pushes, hands, full turn
1-2Big step L to left (1), touch R next to L (2). (12:00)
Arms: Spread both arms diagonally apart (L diagonally up and R diagonally down) (1), lower L arm while bringing R fist to heart
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3), swinging L leg up from behind to front (&), turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (4) (9:00)
5-6Turn 1/4 right stepping R to right pushing upper-body to R side (5), step L pushing upper-body to L side (6) (prepare for the turn) (12:00)
Arms: Move both arms in front of you a ⸧ shape from top to bottom and left-right-left (prepare for the turn)
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (7), swinging L leg up from behind to front (&), turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (8) (9:00)
Part B: 32c
Side step, bending heels turn, back rock, full turn with sweep, back step, 3/8 turn step, full turn
1&2Turn 1/4 right stepping R to right (1) (at the beginning of the third B, turn only 1/8), bend both knees slightly rising gently onto toes (&), turn ¼ to left twisting heels 1/4 to right (weight on R) (9:00)
3-4Rock back on L (3), recover weight on R (4) (9:00)
5-6&Turn 1/2 right stepping L back (5), turn ½ right stepping L forward sweeping L from back to forward (6), cross step L over R (&) (9:00)
7-8&1Step back R (7), turn 3/8 left stepping L forward (8), turn 1/2 left stepping R back, (&), turn 1/2 left stepping L forward (1) (4:30)
Cross rock, turn 1/8 side step with knee bending, stomps on place (3x), side step, touch back with the arms
2-3cross step R over L (2), recover weight on L (3) (4:30)
4-5turn 1/8 right stepping R to right side bending both knees (4), stomp L next to R (5)(6:00)
Body: Move body in a U-shaped motion (4&5)
6-7stomp R next to L (6), stomp L next to R (7) (6:00)
8-1step R to right side (8), cross L toe touch behind L (1) (6:00)
Arms &1: Move both arms O-shaped motion from elbows, starting from bottom and moving counterclockwise (&), finish by directing straight arms diagonally R down.
Slow ¾ unwind turn with arms, jazz box side (2x)
2-3-4Unwind 1/4 turn left on spot weight on R (2), unwind ¼ turn left on the spot ending weight on both feet (3), unwind 1/4 turn left on spot ending weight on L (4) (9:00)
Arms: Move your arms freely, as if you’re expressing yourself as a ghost.
5&6Cross R over L (5), step L back (&), step R to right (6) (9:00)
7&8Cross L over R (5), step R back (&), step L to right (6) (9:00)
Out-out, in-in, rock (2x), sailor step, sailor step ending
1&2&Step R diagonally forward onto heel (1), step L diagonally forward onto heel (&), step R diagonally back 2), step L next to R (&) (9:00)
3&4&Rock R forward (3), recover weight on L (&), rock R to right (4), recover weight on L (&)
5&6Step R behind L (5), step L to L (&), step R diagonally forward (6) (9:00)
7&8Step L behind R (7), step R to L (&), turn 1/8 left stepping L forward (8) (1:30)
1Don't move your leg (direction 01:30), sharply lower your head (direction 12:00)