One tag before last Chorus
[1st 8 count] Left Sailor step and reverse ¾ Paddle turn
1&2Left foot behind right, Recover right, and left foot return
345678Right foot Paddle turn slowly with right touch on each count
[2nd 8 Count, 9-16 ] Right Charelston Step, Reverse ¼ turn & Slide Right & Hip Roll 2X
1234Right foot sway forward and return, left foot sway back and return
5678Slide to the right while performing a reverse ¾ turn & counter clockwise hip circles 2X
[3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Step Out Right, Left lock behind, step touch to Right, Left Stomp down to the left hold & Right behind side touch.
1, 2, 3, 4Right foot out to right, Left lock behind right, right foot to right & left touch
5, 6, 7&8Left Stomp down to the left & hold, right foot behind left, left foot out to left & right touch next to left.
[4th 8 Count, 25-32 ] Right back Step touch, Left back Step touch, Monterey Turn & Left stomp down 2X
1234Right foot step back on oblique angle to the right, Left foot touch next to right, Left foot step back at oblique angle, & right foot touch next to left foot
5678¼ Natural Monterey Turn leaving left toe extended out, hold, Left stomp down 2X
TAG ( 4 counts ) Wait in place with Hands up and shoulder shimmy on the lyrics
“ Wait, Wait, Wait, Hold up.” Choreographer: Steve Carlson
[1st 8 count] Left Sailor step and reverse ¾ Paddle turn
1&2Left foot behind right, Recover right, and left foot return
345678Right foot Paddle turn slowly with right touch on each count
[2nd 8 Count, 9-16 ] Right Charelston Step, Reverse ¼ turn & Slide Right & Hip Roll 2X
1234Right foot sway forward and return, left foot sway back and return
5678Slide to the right while performing a reverse ¾ turn & counter clockwise hip circles 2X
[3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Step Out Right, Left lock behind, step touch to Right, Left Stomp down to the left hold & Right behind side touch.
1, 2, 3, 4Right foot out to right, Left lock behind right, right foot to right & left touch
5, 6, 7&8Left Stomp down to the left & hold, right foot behind left, left foot out to left & right touch next to left.
[4th 8 Count, 25-32 ] Right back Step touch, Left back Step touch, Monterey Turn & Left stomp down 2X
1234Right foot step back on oblique angle to the right, Left foot touch next to right, Left foot step back at oblique angle, & right foot touch next to left foot
5678¼ Natural Monterey Turn leaving left toe extended out, hold, Left stomp down 2X
TAG ( 4 counts ) Wait in place with Hands up and shoulder shimmy on the lyrics
“ Wait, Wait, Wait, Hold up.” Choreographer: Steve Carlson