Intro: 8 counts (after 5 seconds)
Note: Due to YouTube copyright restrictions, the choreographer Demos are available on Vimeo.
Sequence: 32, 32, 32, Tag, 32, 32, Tag, 32, Tag (x2)
Body Roll, Side Kick, Cross Shuffle, Heel Fans w/ Tap, Weave Behind 1/4 Forward
1-2Step R to R as you body roll leading with R shoulder (1), Close L next to R as you kick R to R (2)
3&4Cross R over L (3), Step L to L (&), Cross R over L (4)
5&6Step L to L as you fan R toes to R (5), Tap R next to L (&), Step R to R as you fan L toes to L (6)
7&8Cross L behind R (7), Make 1/4 R stepping onto R (&) [3:00], Step L forward (8)
Diagonal Touches, Push Back, Flick, Step, Mambo Forward, & Touch Back
1&2&Step R to R diagonal (1), Touch L next to R (&), Step L to L diagonal (2), Touch R next to L (&)
3-4Take a big step back R as you drag L (3), Close/Jump L next to R as you flick R heel back (4)
Note: On Wall 1 the lyrics will be “Two Steps Forward, One Leap Back…”
5-6&7Step R forward (5), Rock L forward (6), Recover on R (&), Step L back (7)
&8Step R back (&), Touch L toes back (8)
Heel Bounces w/ 1/4 Turn, Skates x2, Kick Out Out, Swivel In Heels, Toes, Heels
1-2Bounce both heels twice as you make 1/4 L (1-2) [12:00]
3-4Skate R to R diagonal (3), Skate L to L diagonal (4)
5&6Kick R forward (5), Step R out to R (&), Step L out to L (6)
7&8Swivel both heels in (7), swivel both toes in (&), swivel both heels in so feet are now closed (8)
Touch Back, Unwind 1/2 Turn, Coaster Step, Step Lock Step, Heel Heel, Back Together
1-2Touch R toes back (1), Unwind 1/2 R keeping weight back on L (2) [6:00]
3&4Step R back (3), Close L next to R (&), Step R forward (4)
5&6Step L forward (5), Lock R behind L (&), Step L forward (6)
&7&8Step out onto R heel (&), Step out onto L heel (7), Step R back (&), Close L next to R (8)
Tag (16 counts): Completed after Wall 3 (6:00), Wall 5 (12:00), and twice after Wall 6 (12:00 then 6:00)
Clock references apply when starting the tag on 12:00.
Forward Presses w/ Hip Rolls, Ball Sweep 1/4, Cross Side Behind Side Cross (5-Step Weave)
1-2&Press forward on R as you roll R hip clockwise (1), Recover on L (2), Close R next to L (&)
3-4&Press forward on L as you roll L hip anticlockwise (3), Recover on R (4), Close L next to R (&)
5-6Step R forward as you sweep L forward making 1/4 R (5) [3:00], Cross L over R (6)
&7&8Step R to R (&), Cross L behind R (7), Step R to R (&), Cross L over R (8)
Nightclub Basics x2, 1/4 Forward, Step 1/2 Pivot, 1/2 Close Together
1-2&Step R to R (1), Close/Cross L behind R (2), Recover on R (&)
3-4&Step L to L (3), Close/Cross R behind L (4), Recover on L (&)
5-6Make 1/4 R stepping R forward (5) [6:00], Step L forward (6)
7-8Pivot 1/2 R taking weight onto R (7) [12:00], Make 1/2 R closing L next to R (8) [6:00]
Note: Due to YouTube copyright restrictions, the choreographer Demos are available on Vimeo.
Sequence: 32, 32, 32, Tag, 32, 32, Tag, 32, Tag (x2)
Body Roll, Side Kick, Cross Shuffle, Heel Fans w/ Tap, Weave Behind 1/4 Forward
1-2Step R to R as you body roll leading with R shoulder (1), Close L next to R as you kick R to R (2)
3&4Cross R over L (3), Step L to L (&), Cross R over L (4)
5&6Step L to L as you fan R toes to R (5), Tap R next to L (&), Step R to R as you fan L toes to L (6)
7&8Cross L behind R (7), Make 1/4 R stepping onto R (&) [3:00], Step L forward (8)
Diagonal Touches, Push Back, Flick, Step, Mambo Forward, & Touch Back
1&2&Step R to R diagonal (1), Touch L next to R (&), Step L to L diagonal (2), Touch R next to L (&)
3-4Take a big step back R as you drag L (3), Close/Jump L next to R as you flick R heel back (4)
Note: On Wall 1 the lyrics will be “Two Steps Forward, One Leap Back…”
5-6&7Step R forward (5), Rock L forward (6), Recover on R (&), Step L back (7)
&8Step R back (&), Touch L toes back (8)
Heel Bounces w/ 1/4 Turn, Skates x2, Kick Out Out, Swivel In Heels, Toes, Heels
1-2Bounce both heels twice as you make 1/4 L (1-2) [12:00]
3-4Skate R to R diagonal (3), Skate L to L diagonal (4)
5&6Kick R forward (5), Step R out to R (&), Step L out to L (6)
7&8Swivel both heels in (7), swivel both toes in (&), swivel both heels in so feet are now closed (8)
Touch Back, Unwind 1/2 Turn, Coaster Step, Step Lock Step, Heel Heel, Back Together
1-2Touch R toes back (1), Unwind 1/2 R keeping weight back on L (2) [6:00]
3&4Step R back (3), Close L next to R (&), Step R forward (4)
5&6Step L forward (5), Lock R behind L (&), Step L forward (6)
&7&8Step out onto R heel (&), Step out onto L heel (7), Step R back (&), Close L next to R (8)
Tag (16 counts): Completed after Wall 3 (6:00), Wall 5 (12:00), and twice after Wall 6 (12:00 then 6:00)
Clock references apply when starting the tag on 12:00.
Forward Presses w/ Hip Rolls, Ball Sweep 1/4, Cross Side Behind Side Cross (5-Step Weave)
1-2&Press forward on R as you roll R hip clockwise (1), Recover on L (2), Close R next to L (&)
3-4&Press forward on L as you roll L hip anticlockwise (3), Recover on R (4), Close L next to R (&)
5-6Step R forward as you sweep L forward making 1/4 R (5) [3:00], Cross L over R (6)
&7&8Step R to R (&), Cross L behind R (7), Step R to R (&), Cross L over R (8)
Nightclub Basics x2, 1/4 Forward, Step 1/2 Pivot, 1/2 Close Together
1-2&Step R to R (1), Close/Cross L behind R (2), Recover on R (&)
3-4&Step L to L (3), Close/Cross R behind L (4), Recover on L (&)
5-6Make 1/4 R stepping R forward (5) [6:00], Step L forward (6)
7-8Pivot 1/2 R taking weight onto R (7) [12:00], Make 1/2 R closing L next to R (8) [6:00]