High Improver
#16 Count Intro. (No tags/No restarts)
¼ Turn Box, ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock, Coaster Step
1-2Cross R over L, (¼ turn R) Step back on L (3:00)
3&4(¼ Turn R) Shuffle forward R, L, R (6:00)
5-6Rock L forward, Recover R
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L forward
Shuffle, ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle, ¼ Side Shuffle
1&2Shuffle forward R, L, R
3-4Step L forward, (½ Turn R) weight on R (12:00)
5&6(¼ Turn R) Step L to side, Step R together, (¼ Turn R) Step L back (6:00)
7&8(¼ Turn R) Shuffle to Side R, L, R (9:00)
Behind Side Cross, Rock, Cross and Cross Shuffle, ¾ Turn
1&2Step L behind R, Step R to side, Step L in front of R
3-4Rock R to side, Recover L
5&6Step R in front of L, Step L to side, Step R in front of L
7-8(¼ Turn R) Step back L, (½ Turn R) Step forward R (6:00)
Vaudevilles, ¼ Turn Heel Switches, Rock
1&2&Cross L over R, Step R center, Tap L heel forward, Step L center
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L center, Tap R heel forward, Step R center (start to make ¼ turn)
5&6(Continue ¼ Turn R) Tap L heel forward, Step L center, Tap R heel forward (9:00)
7-8Rock R to side, Recover L
Tip: (Counts 28-30) the transition from the Vaudeville to the Heel Switches is a smooth slow turn not an abrupt turn.
Live, Love, Laugh and Dance!
Contact Stacey at
YouTube: @LinedancewithStacey
Facebook: Line Dancing with Stacey & Kelli
Last Update: 16 Feb 2025
¼ Turn Box, ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock, Coaster Step
1-2Cross R over L, (¼ turn R) Step back on L (3:00)
3&4(¼ Turn R) Shuffle forward R, L, R (6:00)
5-6Rock L forward, Recover R
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L forward
Shuffle, ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle, ¼ Side Shuffle
1&2Shuffle forward R, L, R
3-4Step L forward, (½ Turn R) weight on R (12:00)
5&6(¼ Turn R) Step L to side, Step R together, (¼ Turn R) Step L back (6:00)
7&8(¼ Turn R) Shuffle to Side R, L, R (9:00)
Behind Side Cross, Rock, Cross and Cross Shuffle, ¾ Turn
1&2Step L behind R, Step R to side, Step L in front of R
3-4Rock R to side, Recover L
5&6Step R in front of L, Step L to side, Step R in front of L
7-8(¼ Turn R) Step back L, (½ Turn R) Step forward R (6:00)
Vaudevilles, ¼ Turn Heel Switches, Rock
1&2&Cross L over R, Step R center, Tap L heel forward, Step L center
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L center, Tap R heel forward, Step R center (start to make ¼ turn)
5&6(Continue ¼ Turn R) Tap L heel forward, Step L center, Tap R heel forward (9:00)
7-8Rock R to side, Recover L
Tip: (Counts 28-30) the transition from the Vaudeville to the Heel Switches is a smooth slow turn not an abrupt turn.
Live, Love, Laugh and Dance!
Contact Stacey at
YouTube: @LinedancewithStacey
Facebook: Line Dancing with Stacey & Kelli
Last Update: 16 Feb 2025