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Cross points, 1/8 pivot left x2
1-4Step forward on R, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
5-8Step forward on R while pivoting 1/8 L x2
Rock forward right, recover (cha cha), rock back left, recover (cha cha)
1-4Rock forward on R, recover on L, cha cha (RLR)
5-8Rock back on L, recover on R, cha cha (LRL)
Hip rolls, reverse rocking chair
1-4Roll hips R, L, R, L
5-8Rock back on R, recover on L, rock forward on R, recover on L
Right and left side points
1-4Point R to side, step R next to L, point L to side, step L next to R
5-8Point R to side, step R next to L, point L to side, step L next to R
(1/2 turn Monterrey spin x2 for more experienced dancers on counts 5-8)
Enjoy & have fun :)
Cross points, 1/8 pivot left x2
1-4Step forward on R, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
5-8Step forward on R while pivoting 1/8 L x2
Rock forward right, recover (cha cha), rock back left, recover (cha cha)
1-4Rock forward on R, recover on L, cha cha (RLR)
5-8Rock back on L, recover on R, cha cha (LRL)
Hip rolls, reverse rocking chair
1-4Roll hips R, L, R, L
5-8Rock back on R, recover on L, rock forward on R, recover on L
Right and left side points
1-4Point R to side, step R next to L, point L to side, step L next to R
5-8Point R to side, step R next to L, point L to side, step L next to R
(1/2 turn Monterrey spin x2 for more experienced dancers on counts 5-8)
Enjoy & have fun :)