Absolute Beginner
#40 Count Intro (dance starts when lyrics start, after humming) (4 or 1 wall)
1 - 2(Start 12:00) Step RF side, cross LF behind RF
3 - 4Step RF side, touch LF beside RF
5 - 6Step LF side, cross RF behind LF (Optional: Rolling grapevine)
7 - 8Step LF side, touch RF beside LF
[9-16] Two Rocking Chair Steps with RF
1- 2RF Rock forward, Recover LF
3 - 4RF Rock back, Recover LF
5 - 6RF Rock forward, Recover LF
7 - 8RF Rock back, Recover LF
[17-24] Side Touch Right, Side Touch Left 2x (NOTES: This is the part where you can choose to stay on 12:00 or move to 9:00 for a wall change)
1 - 2RF out to Right side, Touch LF beside RF
3 - 4LF out to Left side, Touch RF beside LF
5 - 6RF out to Right side, Touch LF beside RF (Optional: Count 5 is a ¼ turn to 9:00 for a wall
change *4 wall dance*, or just stay on 12:00 for a 1 wall dance)
7 - 8LF out to Left side, Touch RF beside LF (Choice of ending on 12:00 or 9:00)
[25 – 32] Stomp RF, Stomp LF, Slap Right Hip, Slap Left Hip, Sway Right, Sway Left (What wall you start on here depends on if you chose a 1 or 4 wall dance, 12:00 or 9:00)
1 - 2Stomp RF down to right side, Stomp LF down to left side
3 - 4Slap hand on right hip, Slap hand on left hip
5 - 6Sway Hip to the right side (down and to the right on 5, up and to the right on 6)
7 - 8Sway Hip to the left side (down and to the left on 7, up and to the left on 8)
Start again.
1 - 2(Start 12:00) Step RF side, cross LF behind RF
3 - 4Step RF side, touch LF beside RF
5 - 6Step LF side, cross RF behind LF (Optional: Rolling grapevine)
7 - 8Step LF side, touch RF beside LF
[9-16] Two Rocking Chair Steps with RF
1- 2RF Rock forward, Recover LF
3 - 4RF Rock back, Recover LF
5 - 6RF Rock forward, Recover LF
7 - 8RF Rock back, Recover LF
[17-24] Side Touch Right, Side Touch Left 2x (NOTES: This is the part where you can choose to stay on 12:00 or move to 9:00 for a wall change)
1 - 2RF out to Right side, Touch LF beside RF
3 - 4LF out to Left side, Touch RF beside LF
5 - 6RF out to Right side, Touch LF beside RF (Optional: Count 5 is a ¼ turn to 9:00 for a wall
change *4 wall dance*, or just stay on 12:00 for a 1 wall dance)
7 - 8LF out to Left side, Touch RF beside LF (Choice of ending on 12:00 or 9:00)
[25 – 32] Stomp RF, Stomp LF, Slap Right Hip, Slap Left Hip, Sway Right, Sway Left (What wall you start on here depends on if you chose a 1 or 4 wall dance, 12:00 or 9:00)
1 - 2Stomp RF down to right side, Stomp LF down to left side
3 - 4Slap hand on right hip, Slap hand on left hip
5 - 6Sway Hip to the right side (down and to the right on 5, up and to the right on 6)
7 - 8Sway Hip to the left side (down and to the left on 7, up and to the left on 8)
Start again.