Upper Improver
**2 tags, 2 restarts
*dance starts 32 counts after music starts
Step kick L R, vine R, step kick R L, vine L
12 34 5678Step R kick L across R, step L kick R across L, grapevine R
12 34 5678Step L kick R across L, step R kick L across R, grapevine L
Point R, hold, ball step, point L, hold, toe heel L, L coaster
12 &34Point R toe out to R side(1) and hold(2), step R next to L (&), point L toe out to L side(3) and hold(4)
56 7&8Touch L toe forward(5), touch L heel forward(6), step L foot back, bring R next to L, step L forward
3 step V steps, sweeping ½ turn L sailor step, L coaster, 2 ½ turns, step out R
1&2Step R foot out diagonally to R(1), step L foot out diagonally to L(&), step R foot back(2) *leave L foot in place, don’t finish full V step*
34 5&6 7&8Sweep L leg back making a ½ turn over your L shoulder finishing sweep with your weigh L and back, step R in place, step L forward, step forward R making a ½ turn over your L shoulder, step back L making a ½ turn over your R shoulder, step R out to R side *sit heavy on your R hip*
*Restart happens twice, using count 8 (step out R) to start the dance again during walls 3 & 7
Hip bump L, kick L ball cross R, step L scuff R
123Bump L hip up, down, up
4 5&6 78Kick L foot forward (4), step down L(5), cross R over L(&), step L out to L side(6), scuff R foot(7) and drag slowly across L (8) *cross R over L for 1*
Jazz box, side rock and cross R, full turn
1234 56Cross R foot over L, step L back, step R out to R side, cross L over R, rock R to R side, recover L
78Cross R over L and unwind back to 6’clock *making full 360 turn over L shoulder*
*Tag happens twice (after wall 1 & wall 4)
Step back R L R, step L to L side, roll hips around, point R, point L
12 34 56 78Step back R(12), step back L(34), step back and out R(56), step back and out L(78)
1234 56 78Roll hips all the way around (1-4), point R toe out to R side(56), point L toe out to L side(78) *dance starts again*
*dance starts 32 counts after music starts
Step kick L R, vine R, step kick R L, vine L
12 34 5678Step R kick L across R, step L kick R across L, grapevine R
12 34 5678Step L kick R across L, step R kick L across R, grapevine L
Point R, hold, ball step, point L, hold, toe heel L, L coaster
12 &34Point R toe out to R side(1) and hold(2), step R next to L (&), point L toe out to L side(3) and hold(4)
56 7&8Touch L toe forward(5), touch L heel forward(6), step L foot back, bring R next to L, step L forward
3 step V steps, sweeping ½ turn L sailor step, L coaster, 2 ½ turns, step out R
1&2Step R foot out diagonally to R(1), step L foot out diagonally to L(&), step R foot back(2) *leave L foot in place, don’t finish full V step*
34 5&6 7&8Sweep L leg back making a ½ turn over your L shoulder finishing sweep with your weigh L and back, step R in place, step L forward, step forward R making a ½ turn over your L shoulder, step back L making a ½ turn over your R shoulder, step R out to R side *sit heavy on your R hip*
*Restart happens twice, using count 8 (step out R) to start the dance again during walls 3 & 7
Hip bump L, kick L ball cross R, step L scuff R
123Bump L hip up, down, up
4 5&6 78Kick L foot forward (4), step down L(5), cross R over L(&), step L out to L side(6), scuff R foot(7) and drag slowly across L (8) *cross R over L for 1*
Jazz box, side rock and cross R, full turn
1234 56Cross R foot over L, step L back, step R out to R side, cross L over R, rock R to R side, recover L
78Cross R over L and unwind back to 6’clock *making full 360 turn over L shoulder*
*Tag happens twice (after wall 1 & wall 4)
Step back R L R, step L to L side, roll hips around, point R, point L
12 34 56 78Step back R(12), step back L(34), step back and out R(56), step back and out L(78)
1234 56 78Roll hips all the way around (1-4), point R toe out to R side(56), point L toe out to L side(78) *dance starts again*