High Improver
Intro: 16 counts (on the lyrics)- 1 Tag - 2 Restarts
[1-8] Side Rock and Cross R and L, Lock Step R and L
1&2Step R out to right side (1), Recover L (&), Cross R over L (2)
3&4Step L out to left side (3), Recover R (&), Cross L over R (4)
5&6Step R forward (5), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (6)
7&8Step L forward (7), Lock R behind L (&), Step L forward (8)
[9-16] Half Pivot x2, Grapevine R, Grapevine L w/ Scuff ⅛ turn left
1 - 2Step R forward (1), ½ pivot left putting weight on L (2)
3 - 4Step R forward (3), ½ pivot left putting weight on L (4)
5&6&Step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (&), Step R to right side (6), Touch L next to R(&)
7&8&Step L to left side (7), Step R behind L (&), Step L to left side (7), Scuff R heel across L making a ⅛ turn left (&)
[17-24] Heel Switches, Heel Grind 1/4, Heel Switches, Heel Grind 1/8., Jazz Box
1&2&Touch R heel forward (1), Return R to center and touch L heel forward(&), Return L to center and rock on to R heel forward(2), Recover on to L while making a ¼ Right (&)
3&4&Return R to center and touch L heel forward (3), Return L to center and touch R heel forward(&), Return R to center and rock on to L heel forward, Recover on to R while making a 1/8 Left (4), put weight on Left after turn (&)
5 - 6Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7 - 8Step R out to right side (7), Step L forward (8)
[25-32] ½ turn Hitch, Coaster Step, Heel Hook Heel R and L
1 - 2Hitch right knee up while making a ½ turn left (1), Step back on R (2)
3&4Step back L (3), Step R next to left (&), Step L forward (4)
5&6&Touch R heel forward (5), Hook R in front of left knee (&), Touch R heel forward (6), Step R next to L (&)
7&8&Touch L heel forward (7), Hook L in front of right knee (&), Touch L heel forward (8), Step L next to R (&)
TAG 1 - Wall 2 after 12 Counts
1&2&Step R back (1), Step L back (&), Step R back (2), Step L back (&)
3&4&Step R back (3), Step L back (&), Step R back (4), Step L back (&)
Restart - Wall 3 after 12 counts
Restart 2 - Wall 6 after 4 counts
Last Update - 3 Feb 2025 - R1
[1-8] Side Rock and Cross R and L, Lock Step R and L
1&2Step R out to right side (1), Recover L (&), Cross R over L (2)
3&4Step L out to left side (3), Recover R (&), Cross L over R (4)
5&6Step R forward (5), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (6)
7&8Step L forward (7), Lock R behind L (&), Step L forward (8)
[9-16] Half Pivot x2, Grapevine R, Grapevine L w/ Scuff ⅛ turn left
1 - 2Step R forward (1), ½ pivot left putting weight on L (2)
3 - 4Step R forward (3), ½ pivot left putting weight on L (4)
5&6&Step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (&), Step R to right side (6), Touch L next to R(&)
7&8&Step L to left side (7), Step R behind L (&), Step L to left side (7), Scuff R heel across L making a ⅛ turn left (&)
[17-24] Heel Switches, Heel Grind 1/4, Heel Switches, Heel Grind 1/8., Jazz Box
1&2&Touch R heel forward (1), Return R to center and touch L heel forward(&), Return L to center and rock on to R heel forward(2), Recover on to L while making a ¼ Right (&)
3&4&Return R to center and touch L heel forward (3), Return L to center and touch R heel forward(&), Return R to center and rock on to L heel forward, Recover on to R while making a 1/8 Left (4), put weight on Left after turn (&)
5 - 6Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7 - 8Step R out to right side (7), Step L forward (8)
[25-32] ½ turn Hitch, Coaster Step, Heel Hook Heel R and L
1 - 2Hitch right knee up while making a ½ turn left (1), Step back on R (2)
3&4Step back L (3), Step R next to left (&), Step L forward (4)
5&6&Touch R heel forward (5), Hook R in front of left knee (&), Touch R heel forward (6), Step R next to L (&)
7&8&Touch L heel forward (7), Hook L in front of right knee (&), Touch L heel forward (8), Step L next to R (&)
TAG 1 - Wall 2 after 12 Counts
1&2&Step R back (1), Step L back (&), Step R back (2), Step L back (&)
3&4&Step R back (3), Step L back (&), Step R back (4), Step L back (&)
Restart - Wall 3 after 12 counts
Restart 2 - Wall 6 after 4 counts
Last Update - 3 Feb 2025 - R1