CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157826
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Queen Elizabeth

( 2 Stimmen)
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High Beginner
Nico Osier (USA) - January 2025
I Don't Want It At All - Kim Petras
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Original Song: “I Don’t Want it At All” - Kim Petras
● No tags or restarts
Song Swap: See Spotify Playlist:
● No tags or restarts for any of the songs on the list!

Box Step for 4ct, Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Hitch (& Smack)
1,2Step fwd R, step L next to R
3,4Step R back, L next to R
5,6Step R forward, lock L,
7&8Step R forward, lock L and hitch R knee

Rock Forward, Recover, Triple Back, Rock Back, Recover, Full Turn in 2 Steps
1,2Rock forward R, recover L
3&4Triple step backward (R,L,R)
5,6Rock back L, recover R
7,8Full turn moving forward with 2 steps (R and L, back to 12:00)

Step, Kick, Land, Down, Stand for 4 Counts
1,2Step forward on L foot, Kick R foot on a diagonal (can bend knee if that’s easier)
3,4Land the R foot on the ground, bend over your leg
5,6,7,8Stand up (channel your inner burlesque performer)

Vine Right With Shuffle, Vine Left With Scuff Turn
1,2Step R foot to R, cross L foot behind
3&4Triple step to the R (R, L, R)
5,6Step L to L, cross R foot behind
7,8Step L to L, scuff R and use the momentum to turn ¼ L (from 12:00 to 9:00)

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