*1 tag wall 5
Section 1 - Wizard right, left heel, right heel, wizard left, right heel, left heel
1, 2&Step Right forward, lock Left behind Right, step Right forward. This is a syncopated step
3&4&left heel, right heel
5, 6&Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward. This is a syncopated step
7&8&right heel, left heel
Section 2 - ¼ turn to the right, ¼ turn to the right, V step
1, 2,¼ turn Right foot lead, counterclockwise hip circle with weight ending on right foot
3, 4¼ turn right foot lead, counterclockwise hip circle with weight ending on right foot
5, 6,step right foot forward/out on the diagonal, step left foot forward/out on the diagonal
7, 8step right foot back to center, step left foot next to right
Style tip: Step on heels when song states “boots up on the dash” for counts 1 & 2
Section 3 - side step, weave, rock step ¼ turn left, shuffle
1, 2step right foot to right side, step left foot behind the right
&3&4step right to right side, cross left foot over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right.
5, 6, 7&8rock to the right side, ¼ turn to the left, shuffle right, left, right.
Section 4 - Full turn, rock step, coaster step
1, 2, 3, 4½ turn step out on right foot, ½ t urn step out on right foot
5, 6, 7 & 8rock step, step left foot back, step right next to left, step left foot forward
Tag wall 5 after first 8 count
1, 2, 3 & 4,rock forward on right foot, back on left foot, right coaster step.
5, 6, 7 & 8rock forward on left foot, back on right foot, left coaster step.
Questions email Brianna & Heidi at
Last Update: 30 Jan 2025
Section 1 - Wizard right, left heel, right heel, wizard left, right heel, left heel
1, 2&Step Right forward, lock Left behind Right, step Right forward. This is a syncopated step
3&4&left heel, right heel
5, 6&Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward. This is a syncopated step
7&8&right heel, left heel
Section 2 - ¼ turn to the right, ¼ turn to the right, V step
1, 2,¼ turn Right foot lead, counterclockwise hip circle with weight ending on right foot
3, 4¼ turn right foot lead, counterclockwise hip circle with weight ending on right foot
5, 6,step right foot forward/out on the diagonal, step left foot forward/out on the diagonal
7, 8step right foot back to center, step left foot next to right
Style tip: Step on heels when song states “boots up on the dash” for counts 1 & 2
Section 3 - side step, weave, rock step ¼ turn left, shuffle
1, 2step right foot to right side, step left foot behind the right
&3&4step right to right side, cross left foot over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right.
5, 6, 7&8rock to the right side, ¼ turn to the left, shuffle right, left, right.
Section 4 - Full turn, rock step, coaster step
1, 2, 3, 4½ turn step out on right foot, ½ t urn step out on right foot
5, 6, 7 & 8rock step, step left foot back, step right next to left, step left foot forward
Tag wall 5 after first 8 count
1, 2, 3 & 4,rock forward on right foot, back on left foot, right coaster step.
5, 6, 7 & 8rock forward on left foot, back on right foot, left coaster step.
Questions email Brianna & Heidi at
Last Update: 30 Jan 2025