Restarts: At wall 4 after 32 counts and wall 11 after 28 counts
Section 1: Rocking Chair Right Foot, Step Lock Step Right Foot, Pause (8 counts)
1-2Rock step forward on right, back to left
3-4Rock step back on right, back to left
5-6-7Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
8Pause, weight on right foot
Section 2: Rocking Chair Left Foot, Step Lock Step Left Foot, Touch Right (8 counts)
1-2Rock step forward on left, back to right
3-4Rock step back on left, back to right
5-6Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
7-8Bring right foot next to left, touch right foot
Section 3: Triple Twist Right, Twist Left, Twist Right (8 counts)
1Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
2Twist toes to the left (weight on heels)
3Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
4Clap hands
5Twist heels to the left (weight on the balls of feet)
6Clap hands
7Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
8Clap hands
Section 4: 1/4 Turn x2 Left with Right Foot, Jazz Box in Place (8 counts)
1-2Step forward on right, 1/4 turn left
3-4Step forward on right, 1/4 turn left
5-6Cross right foot over left, step left foot back
7-8Step right foot to the side, step left foot next to right
Section 5: Right Heel Forward, Left Heel Forward, Right Toe Side, Left Toe Side, Touch Right Behind, Left Heel Forward, Assemble (8 counts)
1-2Right heel forward, clap hands
&3-4Bring right foot next to left, left heel forward, clap hands
&5Bring left foot next to right, point right foot to the side
&6Bring right foot next to left, point left foot to the side
&7Bring left foot next to right, touch right foot behind
&8Bring right foot next to left, left heel forward
&Bring left foot next to right to start the dance again
Repeat and enjoy the dance!
Section 1: Rocking Chair Right Foot, Step Lock Step Right Foot, Pause (8 counts)
1-2Rock step forward on right, back to left
3-4Rock step back on right, back to left
5-6-7Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
8Pause, weight on right foot
Section 2: Rocking Chair Left Foot, Step Lock Step Left Foot, Touch Right (8 counts)
1-2Rock step forward on left, back to right
3-4Rock step back on left, back to right
5-6Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
7-8Bring right foot next to left, touch right foot
Section 3: Triple Twist Right, Twist Left, Twist Right (8 counts)
1Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
2Twist toes to the left (weight on heels)
3Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
4Clap hands
5Twist heels to the left (weight on the balls of feet)
6Clap hands
7Twist heels to the right (weight on the balls of feet)
8Clap hands
Section 4: 1/4 Turn x2 Left with Right Foot, Jazz Box in Place (8 counts)
1-2Step forward on right, 1/4 turn left
3-4Step forward on right, 1/4 turn left
5-6Cross right foot over left, step left foot back
7-8Step right foot to the side, step left foot next to right
Section 5: Right Heel Forward, Left Heel Forward, Right Toe Side, Left Toe Side, Touch Right Behind, Left Heel Forward, Assemble (8 counts)
1-2Right heel forward, clap hands
&3-4Bring right foot next to left, left heel forward, clap hands
&5Bring left foot next to right, point right foot to the side
&6Bring right foot next to left, point left foot to the side
&7Bring left foot next to right, touch right foot behind
&8Bring right foot next to left, left heel forward
&Bring left foot next to right to start the dance again
Repeat and enjoy the dance!