CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Holding Me Up

( 3 Stimmen)
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Sharon Knapik (USA) & Maria Manse (SWE) - January 2025
Holding Me Up (Parachute) - PARADISE LTD, Wild Culture & Tomi Saario
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Start dance 8 counts in
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(1-8) Point R fwd, point R side, sailor 1/4, point L fwd, point L side, sailor 1/2
1,2Point right foot forward, point right foot to right side
3&4Sailor a 1/4 (facing 3:00)
5,6,Point left foot forward, point left foot to left side
7&8Sailor a 1/2 (facing 9:00)

(9-16) Side together right, shuffle back, 1/2 turn L, 1/2 turn L, shuffle 1/4 L
1,2Step right foot to right side and step left foot together next to right foot (facing 9:00)
3&4Shuffle back on right foot
5,61/2 turn over left shoulder x 2
7&81/4 turn over left shoulder shuffle to the left (facing 6:00)

(17-24) Rock back R, hitch R point R, 1/4 turn point L, L cross shuffle
1,2Rock back recover
3,4Hitch right knee and point foot to the right (Facing 6:00)
5,6Bring right foot in and turn 1/4 right, point left foot to the left (Facing 9:00)
7&8Cross left over right and shuffle to the right (Facing 9:00)

(25-32) Hip roll L, hip roll R, 1/4 turn L drag L, step back on L, 1/4, 1/2 turns R
1,2Step right foot to right and roll hip and touch left toe
3,4Put left foot down and roll hip and touch right toe
5,6Turn 1/4 back to the left and drag left foot back (Facing 6:00)
7&8Step back on left and turn 1/4 and a 1/2 to the right (Facing 3:00)

Last Update: 24 Feb 2025

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