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Buried at Sea

( 4 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced NC2S
Adam Åstmar (SWE) - September 2024
Buried at Sea - David Kushner : (iTunes)
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Intro: Dance starts immediately, prepare with weight on RF stepped back, like doing a rock back on RF.

Sequence: AAA-T1-BB-AA-T1-BB-Aa(8)-T2-BB-A

A (16)
A – 1: Rock Back. Ball Full Turn L, Sweep. Weave, Hitch. Behind ¼ Step. Step ½ Turn.
1 – 2 &Rock back on RF, prep upper body to R (1). Recover on LF (2). Turn ½ L step back on RF (&). [6:00]
3 – 4 &Turn ½ L step forward on LF, sweep RF from back to front (3). [12:00] Cross RF over LF (4). Step to L on LF (&).
5 – 6 &Step RF behind LF hitch L knee (5). Step LF behind RF (6). Turn ¼ R step forward on RF (&). [3:00]
7 – 8 &Step forward on LF (7). Step forward on RF (8). Turn ½ L place weight on LF (&). [9:00]

A – 2: ¼ Sway R. Sway L. Cross Rock with Bend. Ball Step Side. Cross. Side Rock. Cross, Side.
1 – 2Turn ¼ L step to R on RF sway to R (1). Sway to L (2). [6:00]
3 – 4 &Cross rock RF over LF, bend knees and collapse body (3). Recover on LF (4). Step to R on RF (&).
5 – 6Cross LF over RF (5). Rock to R on RF (6).
7 – 8 &Recover on LF (7). Cross RF over LF (8). Step to L on LF (&).

B (16)
B – 1: Back, Hook, Step with Sweep. Syncopated Jazz Box ¼ Cross. Side Rock with Arm Movements. Side, Touch. Chasse ¼ Turn.
1 & 2Step back on RF (1). Hook LF over RF (&). [12:00] Step forward on LF, sweep RF from back to front (2).
3 & 4 &Cross RF over LF (3). Turn ¼ R step back on LF (&). [3:00] Step to R on RF (4). Cross LF over RF.
5 – 6Rock to R on RF (5). Recover on LF, look to L (6).
7 &Step to R on RF, return head to normal position (7). Touch LF next to RF (&).
8 & aStep to L on LF (8). Close RF next to LF (&). Turn ¼ L step forward on LF (a). [12:00]
Arms For the arms on counts 5 – 6 – 7 & we're going to make a big wave with R hand and a small wave with L hand. The big wave will then go under the small wave and then we pull R hand to R shoulder and L hand to L side.
5 & 6R hand: With fingers pointing up, push hand up slightly above head (5).
L hand: Make a small wave forward, keeping fingers pointing forward and arm straightened out (5).

R hand: Now “dive down”, turning fingers so they point down (imagine a roller coaster going up a hill and then down) (&).
L hand: Keep it where it is (&).

R hand: Push hand under L hand with fingers pointing to L side (6).
L hand: Keep it where it is (6).
7 &R hand: Start pulling hand to R shoulder (7).
L hand: Start pushing hand towards L side (7).

R hand: Finish pulling hand towards R shoulder (&).
L hand: Finish pushing hand towards L side (&).

Drop hands while doing the chasse!

B – 2: ½ Back Sweep, Back Sweep. Pony Step R. 2X Back Sweep. Pony Step L. Walk Forward R, L with Arm Movements. Rock Forward. Full Turn R.
1 &Turn ½ L step back on RF, sweep LF from front to back (1). [6:00] Step back on LF, sweep RF from front to back (&).
2 & aStep back on RF, hitch L knee (2). Step LF next to RF (&). Step back on RF, hitch L knee (a).
3 &Step back on LF, sweep RF from front to back (1). Step back on RF, sweep LF from front to back (&).
4 & aStep back on LF, hitch R knee (2). Step RF next to LF (&). Step back on LF, hitch R knee (a).
5 – 6Walk forward on RF (5), LF (6).
7 & 8 &Rock forward on RF (7). Recover on LF (&). Turn ½ R step forward on RF (8).Turn ½ R step back on LF (&).
Arms For counts 5 – 6 we're going to do two different kind of arms depending on what B we're on.
B always comes in 2 and these arms will be different depending on the lyrics.

B first time: Cross both hands formed into fists over chest.
B second time: Spread fingers, push hands towards each other in front of chest.
5 – 6B First time (Singing ”My dear” in the song):
Form hands into fists and cross them in front of your chest, like making a small X mark. Hold them there for 2 counts (5, 6).

B Second time (Singing ”I fear” in the song):
Bring hands to chest height, palms facing body, fingers spread and pointing towards each other.
Push hands in slowly towards the center over 2 counts, still keeping them near the chest (5, 6).

Tag 1: Rock Back. Chase ½ Turn. ½ Back.
1 – 2Rock back on RF (1). Recover on LF (2).
3 & 4 &Step forward on RF (3). Turn ½ L place weight on LF (&). Step forward on RF (4). Turn ½ R step back on LF (&).

Tag 2: ¼ Sway R. Sway L. Cross Rock. Side Rock.
1 – 2Turn ¼ L step to R on RF sway to R (1). Sway to L (2).
3 & 4 &Cross rock RF over LF (3). Recover on LF (&). Rock to R on RF (4). Recover on LF (&).

Have fun!

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