Start: O,8s. approximately, On the lyrics with singer man
Sequence : A-A-16-A-A-A-A
[1-8] Walkx2, Mambo ½ R, Back ½ R, (option: walk back, walk back), Back, Coaster-Step
1-2Walk FW: R, L
3&4RF FW, Recover to LF, Make ½ R with RF FW
5-6Make ½ R with LF Back, RF Back
7&8LF Back, RF next to LF, LF FW
[9-16] Side, Sailor-Step ¼ L, Sweep, Sway, Sway, Scissor-Step
1-2&RF to the R side, Cross LF behind RF, Make ¼ L with RF Back
3-4LF FW with R Sweep from back to the front, Cross RF over LF
5-6LF to the L side with L Sway, R Sway
7&8LF to the L side, Cross RF behind LF, Cross LF over RF
[17-24] Toe-Strut ¼ R, Toe-Strut ½ R, Rock-Step, V-Step
1-2Make ¼ R with R Toe FW, Down your R Heel
3-4Make ½ R with L Toe Back, Down your L Heel
5-6RF Back, Recover to LF
&7&8RF FW on R Diagonal, LF FW on L Diagonal, RF Back, LF next to RF
[25-32] Anchor-Step, Anchor-Step, Scissor-Step, Mambo, ¼ R, ½ R
1&2RF behind LF, recover weight on LF, Recover weight on RF
3&4LF behind RF, recover weight on RF, Recover weight on LF
5&6RF to the R side, LF behind RF, Cross RF over LF
7&8LF to the L side, recover to the RF with ¼ R, ½ R with LF Back (Finish weight is on LF)
For Level Beginner : Rekha EZ (Angéline FOURMAGE)
Smile et enjoy the dance
Sequence : A-A-16-A-A-A-A
[1-8] Walkx2, Mambo ½ R, Back ½ R, (option: walk back, walk back), Back, Coaster-Step
1-2Walk FW: R, L
3&4RF FW, Recover to LF, Make ½ R with RF FW
5-6Make ½ R with LF Back, RF Back
7&8LF Back, RF next to LF, LF FW
[9-16] Side, Sailor-Step ¼ L, Sweep, Sway, Sway, Scissor-Step
1-2&RF to the R side, Cross LF behind RF, Make ¼ L with RF Back
3-4LF FW with R Sweep from back to the front, Cross RF over LF
5-6LF to the L side with L Sway, R Sway
7&8LF to the L side, Cross RF behind LF, Cross LF over RF
[17-24] Toe-Strut ¼ R, Toe-Strut ½ R, Rock-Step, V-Step
1-2Make ¼ R with R Toe FW, Down your R Heel
3-4Make ½ R with L Toe Back, Down your L Heel
5-6RF Back, Recover to LF
&7&8RF FW on R Diagonal, LF FW on L Diagonal, RF Back, LF next to RF
[25-32] Anchor-Step, Anchor-Step, Scissor-Step, Mambo, ¼ R, ½ R
1&2RF behind LF, recover weight on LF, Recover weight on RF
3&4LF behind RF, recover weight on RF, Recover weight on LF
5&6RF to the R side, LF behind RF, Cross RF over LF
7&8LF to the L side, recover to the RF with ¼ R, ½ R with LF Back (Finish weight is on LF)
For Level Beginner : Rekha EZ (Angéline FOURMAGE)
Smile et enjoy the dance