CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Aweille Donc!

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Wild Boots Country Dance (CAN) - January 2025
Aweille donc - Vince Lemire
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Structure: A-A-A(8)-B-A-A-A(8)-B-B(16)-A-A(40)-B-B(16)
Restarts: 4 - See specific points in the description for counts.
Tip: Every time you hear “1, 2 step” in the song, Part B begins.
And 1 Final

Part A (48 counts - 6 sections of 8 counts)
Section 1 (Point, drop, half turn, point, drop, half turn x2)
1.Point right foot forward.
2.Drop right heel.
3.Step left foot forward.
4.1/2 turn right.
5.Point left foot forward.
6.Drop left heel.
7.Step right foot forward.
8.1/2 turn left.

Section 2 (Vine right, slap, quarter turn, half turn, chasse half turn)
1.Step right foot to the right.
2.Cross left foot behind right foot.
3.Uncross right foot to the right.
4.Raise left knee with a slap on the left thigh.
5.1/4 turn left, left foot forward.
6.1/2 turn right, right foot behind.
7&8.Chasse left with a half turn (left foot forward, right foot together, left foot forward).

Section 3 (Diagonal touch, diagonal kick, chasse, coaster step)
1.Step right foot diagonally forward.
2.Touch left foot next to right foot.
3.Step left foot diagonally back.
4.Kick right foot forward.
5&6.Right chasse back (right foot behind, left foot together, right foot behind).
7&8.Left coaster step (left foot behind, right foot together, left foot forward).

Section 4 (Swivel, out, out, in, in)
1-4.Move to the right with left foot pivoting: Touch right toe next to left, touch right heel forward, touch right toe next to left, touch right heel forward.
5.Step right foot out.
6.Step left foot out.
7.Step right foot in.
8.Step left foot in.

Section 5 (Chasse, rock back, kick ball cross, kick ball touch)
1&2.Right chasse (right foot to the right, left foot together, right foot to the right).
3-4.Rock back on left foot (weight on left foot behind, return on right foot forward).
5&6.Left kick ball cross (kick left foot, step left foot together, cross right foot in front of left).
7&8.Left kick ball touch (kick left foot, step left foot together, touch right foot next to left).

Section 6 (Monterey turn half turn x2)
1-2.Point right foot to the right, 1/2 turn right, and step right foot together.
3-4.Point left foot to the left, step left foot together.
5-6.Repeat with right foot: point to the right, 1/2 turn and step together.
7-8.Point left foot, step left foot together.

Part B (24 counts - 3 sections of 8 counts)
Section 1 (Stomp, pause, stomp, pause, full turn)
1.Stomp right foot.
3.Stomp left foot.
5-6-7-8.Full turn left (right foot crossed in front, full turn, weight stays on left foot).

Section 2 (2 heels, 2 toes, slide, stomp, stomp)
1-2.Two right heel taps forward.
3-4.Two right toe taps behind.
5.Slide right foot to the right.
6.Step left foot together next to right foot.
7-8.Stomp right foot, stomp left foot.

Section 3 (2 heels, 2 toes, vine quarter turn, scuff ½ turn)
1-2.Two left heel taps forward.
3-4.Two left toe taps behind.
5.Step left foot to the left.
6.Cross right foot behind left foot.
7.1/4 turn left, left foot forward.
8.Scuff right foot with a half turn.

Repeat and enjoy the dance!

After 8 counts of the 3rd A.
After 8 counts of the 6th A
After 16 counts of the 3rd B.
After 40 counts of the 8th A.
~5. Final: After 16 counts of the last B.

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