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The Boy from Killane

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Kerly Luige (EST) - October 2024
Kelly the Boy From Killane - The High Kings
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Start with the lyrics. NB! The intro is extremely short, just 3 seconds!

R cross-rock, R side-rock, R cross-shuffle, L pivot-turn 1/4 to right
1, 2Rock right foot across left foot, recover weight on left foot
3, 4Rock right foot to right side, recover weight on left foot
5&6Step right foot across left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left foot
7, 8Step left foot to left side, make a 1/4 turn to right transferring weight to right foot (3:00)

L shuffle forward, R scuff-hitch-stomp, L side, R weave, L side
9&10Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot forward
11&Scuff with right foot, hitch right knee
* Tag 1 during wall 3
12, 13Stomp right foot in place, stomp left foot to left side
14&15Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left foot
16Stomp left foot to left side

R toe to side, claps, heels L & R, L toe to side, claps, heels R & L
17, 18&Touch right toe to right side (17), clap your hands twice (18), step right foot next to left foot (&)
19&20&Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot
21, 22&Touch left toe to left side (21), clap your hands twice (22), step left foot next to right foot (&)
23&24&Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right foot
*** Tag 3 during wall 9

R rock-step forward, R shuffle 1/2 to right, L shuffle 1/2 to right, R rock-step back
25, 26Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left foot
** Tag 2 during wall 6
27&28Step right foot to right side making a 1/4 turn to right, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward making a 1/4 turn to right (9:00)
29&30Step left foot to left side making a 1/4 turn to right, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot back making a 1/4 turn to right (3:00)
31, 32Rock right foot back, recover weight on left foot


Tag 1
During wall 3, dance the first 11& counts (scuff-hitch), then on count 12 touch right toe next to left foot and start with wall 4 facing 9:00

Tag 2
During wall 6, dance the first 26 counts (R rock-step forward), then step right foot forward on count 27 making a 1/2 turn to right (12:00), step left foot forward on count 28 and restart with wall 7 facing 12:00

Tag 3
During wall 9, dance the first 24& counts (heel switches), then step right foot forward on count 25, step left foot forward on count 26, tap right toe next to left foot on count 27 and restart with wall 10 facing 9:00

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