CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Advanced
Frederick Hodgin (USA) - 20 November 2024
Genie in a Bottle - Oshri
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#16 count intro. No Tags. No Restarts. One Bridge on Wall 7.
Sequence: A-B-C-A-B-C-A(minus)-B-B-C

Part A: 48c
[1-8] Slow Slide R, Rock, Recover, Slow Slide L, Full Pivot Turn
1,2Slide R Over 2 Counts (12:00)
3,4Rock Forward L, Recover R (12:00)
5,6Slide L Over 2 Counts (12:00)
7,8Cross R Over L and Full Pivot Turn L, Recover L (12:00)

[9-16] Slow Slide R, Crossover Break, Slow Slide L, Point Toe Behind and Sweep L Arm Up
1,2Slide R Over 2 Counts (12:00)
3,4Cross L Over R w/ ¼ Turn R, Recover R (9:00)
5,6Turn ¼ L and Slide L Over 2 Counts (12:00)
7,8Point R Toe Behind L and Sweep L Arm Up (12:00)

[17-24] Slow Walk Forward, Quick Walk x2, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn, Spiral Turn
1,2Walk Forward R Over 2 Counts (12:00)
3,4Quick Walk L, Quick Walk R (12:00)
5,6Rock Forward L, Recover R (12:00)
7,8Turn ½ L and Step L Forward, Full Spiral Turn L on R Foot (6:00)

[25-32] Step Forward, Press Line & Recover x2, Step Behind, ½ Turn Step Forward, Slow Brush
1,2Step Forward L, Press R Forward on Diagonal (7:30)
3,4Recover L, Press R Forward (7:30)
5,6Recover L, Step Behind R (7:30)
7,8Turn ½ L and Step Forward L, Brush R Forward (1:30)

[33-40] Press Line & Recover x2 (w/ arms), R Arabesque, Cross, Forward, Chase ½ Turn
1&2&Press R Forward on Diagonal, Recover L w/ Body Roll, Press R Forward, Recover L w/ Body Roll (1:30)
3,4R Arabesque, Hold Count 4 (1:30)
5,6Cross L Over R, Step R to Side and Square Up w/ Side Wall (3:00)
7&8Step Forward L, Pivot ½ R and Step R, Step Forward L (9:00)

[41-48] Body Roll R, Body Roll L, 1 ¼ Pencil Turn R, Arms Out-Out-In, Bend Down
1,2Body Roll R w/ Left Arm Wave, Body Roll L w/ Right Arm Wave (9:00)
3,4 1¼ R Pencil Turn on R Foot for 3 Counts (12:00)
5&6Reach R Arm Out, Reach L Arm Out, Place Hands Over Heart (12:00)
7Bend Knees and Curl Down, Hold Count 8 (12:00)

Part B (32 Counts):
[1-8] R Botafogo, L Botafogo, Pivot ½ Turn, Full Turn
1&2Cross R Over L, Rock L Side, Recover R (12:00)
3&4Cross L Over R, Rock R Side, Recover L (12:00)
5,6Step R and Pivot ½ L, Step Forward L (6:00)
7,8Full Turn L Over 2 Steps: R-L (6:00)

[9-16] Side Step w/ Body Roll, Slide L, Arm Combination, Sways (w/ arms)
1,2Step R Out w/ Body Roll Up Over 2 Counts (6:00)
3,4Transfer Weight to L and Drag R In, Stick Both Arms Out Parallel to Ground and Begin to Sweep Both Arms Counter Clockwise (6:00)
5,6Continue Sweeping Arms Until R is Above and L is Below; Cross Arms and Uncross (6:00)
7&8&Sway L-R-L-R; R Hand to L Shoulder, L Hand to R Shoulder, R Hand to R Hip, L Hand to L Hip (6:00)

[17-24] Sweep x3, Ball-Touch, Cross, Ball-Collect, Full Turn
1,2Sweep Back L, Sweep Back R (6:00)
3&4Sweep Back L, Step Ball L, Touch R (6:00)
5&6Cross R Over L w/ ½ Turn R, Ball L, Collect R to L w/ Prep (12:00)
7,8Full Turn L: L-R (12:00)

[25-32] Cross Arms w/ Head Nod, Cross, Back, Collect, Cross, Back, Collect, Heel-Dig Suzie Q
1&2Touch R Hand to L Inner Elbow, Touch L Hand to R Elbow, Nod Head* (12:00)
3&4Cross R Over L, Step Back L, Collect R to L (12:00)
5&6Cross L Over R, Step Back R, Collect L to R (12:00)
7&8Cross R Over L w/ Heel Dig, Step L to Side, Cross R Over L w/ Heel Dig, Step L to Side (9:00)

*Note: This dance move should be danced like Jeannie from “I Dream of Jeannie”

Part C (16 Counts):
[1-8] Tick Tock R, Tick Tock L, Tick Tock R, Knee Pop, Traveling Applejack R
1&2&Move L Heel R, Move R Heel R, Move R Heel L, Move L Heel L (12:00)
3&4&Move L Heel R, Move R Heel R, Knee Pop, Recover (12:00)
5&6& 4Right Traveling Applejacks Over 4 Counts (12:00)
7&8&Continue Applejacks Traveling to R (12:00)

[9-16 Tick Tock L, Tick Tock R, Tick Tock L, Knee Pop, Step, Ball-Step ¼ Turn, Slide Back
1&2&Move R Heel L, Move L Heel L, Move L Heel R, Move R Heel R (12:00)
3&4&Move R Heel L, Move L Heel L, Knee Pop, Recover (Shift Weight L) (12:00)
5&6Step R to Side, Collect L to R, Step R w/ ¼ Turn L (12:00)
7Slide Back L and Drag R Heel, Hold Count 8 (9:00)

Note: Part C should be danced to the whistling rather than strictly following the count times.

A Minus: After 2nd Part C (Wall 6), Skip The First 32 Counts of A.

Frederick Hodgin

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