CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Hate Trucks

( 34 Stimmen)
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Ashley Rose (USA) - October 2024
I Hate Trucks - Belles
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Intro: 16 counts (starts on lyrics)
*1 Tag 1 Restart

[1-8] Side Touch, Slide Together x2
1 - 2Touch R Side (1), Touch R next to L (2)
3 - 4Step R Side (3), Touch L next to R (4)
5 - 6Touch L Side (5), Touch L next to R (6)
7 - 8Step L Side (3), Touch R next to L (4)

[9-16] Rocking Chair, Step Lock Step, Hold
1 - 2Rock R forward (1), Recover L (2)
3 - 4Rock R back (1), Recover L (2)
5 - 6Step R forward(5), Step L behind R (6)
7 - 8Step R forward (7), Hold (8)
* Restart here, Wall 5. See modification.

[17-24] ¼ Pivot, Cross, Hold, Grapevine
1 - 2Step L forward (1), ¼ pivot right weigh on R (2)
3 - 4Step L over R (3), Hold (4)
5 - 6Step R side (5), Step L behind R (6)
7 - 8Step R side (7), Touch L next to R (8)
*Tag after 20 counts (L Cross over R) on Wall 11

[25-32] Step Left, Swivel, Back Rock, Kick Ball Cross
1 - 2Step L Side (1), Swivel R heel towards center (2)
3 - 4Swivel R toe towards center (3), Swivel R heel towards center (4)
5 - 6Rock R back (5), Recover L (6)
7 & 8Kick R, step R ball next to L, cross L in front of R

Restart: Wall 5 (facing 12:00) after 16 counts. Modification - Step on L instead of holding on 8.

Tag: Wall 10 (facing 3:00) after 20 counts (1/4 Cross hold) Stomp R Stomp L. Restart the dance from the top.

Last Update: 29 Oct 2024

Barbmcglinn October 23, 2024
What a fun dance, Ashley. It will definitely be requested every Monday night! I gave it 5 stars!

SteveD October 24, 2024
Hello Ashley,
and THANK YOU… it’s nice to know we have actual choreographers locally.

I’m new to Line Dancing, and appreciate what everyone has to offer. I’m also a bit slow to learn some of this stuff. So, when I have something to contribute, I like to offer.
I played your demo back at half speed so I could better sync it with the Step Sheet. I offer this for anyone else who thinks this may help. I might have the walls incorrect, and if so, I apologize. I hope this helps people other than me.

Dance starts at 0:13

Wall 1 (each wall takes approximately 12 seconds)
– counts 1 - 8 are from :13 to :16
- counts 9 - 16 are from :16 to :18
- counts 17 – 24 are from :18 to :22
- counts 25 – 32 are from :22 to 26
Wall 2 from :26 to :38
Wall 3 from :38 to :50
Wall 4 from :50 to 1:02
Wall 5 facing 12:00 (back on starting wall) from 1:02 to 1:07 (first 16 counts)
Restart / Wall 6 from 1:08 to 1:09
Wall 7 from 1:09 to 1:21
Wall 8 from 1:21 to 1:33
Wall 9 from 1:33 to1:45
Wall 10 from 1:45 to 1:57
Wall 11 facing 3:00 from 1:57 to 2:04 (first 20 counts)
Tag / Wall 12 from 2:04 to 2:07
Wall 13 from 2:07 to 2:19
Wall 14 from 2:19 to 2:32
Last wall from 2:32 to end of dance.

C0untrymoma October 24, 2024
Congrats Ashley🎶 First of many I’m sure!!

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